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Have you ever had to flee from danger?

by Vee (follow)
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Image by hotblack, morgueFile.com

This is a broad questions, so interpret it how you like.

Have you ever had to flee danger?

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3 different times in America.

All different places.
I was with my husband who is from there, and well I'm just glad I'm here to tell.

It could have gone very badly, but I really believe God had his hand on it Big time.

All times were during the day, and people around.
People like to carry guns....and like to use them.Makes no difference if like me your standing at a crosswalk, or in a general store or even on a bus, where all three of my encounters happened.

I told the bus driver about it....he told me to get off the bus, slammed the door and took off.Needless to say my husband grabbed me by the hand, and we ran from the guy.I was 30 yrs younger, so could run in those days.

How we were never killed, is a miracle.
Not that I can remember.
No, thankfully!

Saw car rolling backwards out of its' bay.
TWO kids' inside!
Car heading in 'turning motion', as was its' 'steering direction' towards my car!
It was a small car & as it was 'slowing' I grabbed at the side, its' driver's 'pillar', to hold it!

By this time Mother came screaming out of shop. 'What'll I do?". Told her to get in, & pull the b@&&$- handbrake on!
Stupid woman!

If car had've gone straight back, FOUR metres' over embankment to next level, doubt kids' would've lived.
I was followed once by a very strange looking man so I although I had been planning to get the bus home, I went into an art gallery instead, so that I was somewhere public and with security guards. He got bored waiting for me to come out and left, so I didn't exactly flee danger so much as avoid it....
My dad on the other hand fled from the Japanese when they invaded Malaysia during World War II. That was real fleeing and sounds unbelievably harrowing.
Yes. My dad and I was lured in to a car under the assumption it was a taxi in china. The next thing we know we are heading off the freeway into a unlit parkland and being shoved into a van. We were able to fight off our would be kidnappers and a couple of passing teenages helped us get our suitcases out the car and we ran back tot he freeway where a proper taxi spotted us and threw us and oiur stuff in and took off to our hotel at high speed. It was so frightening and i am so glad to our good samaritins.

No, thankfully I have never been in a dangerous situation that required flight.
Different sort of 'fleeing' I experienced once.

Crossed a creek to other side, about 300m away. Stayed there awhile, then decided to swim back. This was a tidal creek heading towards the sea.
I realised whilst swimming, that tide had turned, & was swiftly heading towards creek 'mouth' & ocean!
Started swimming very rapidly, but NOT panicking, as I knew my excellent swimming strength, using breastroke, least tiring of all strokes, & got back to other side, about 30m from the mouth. Got out, had a chat to a couple of snorkellers', then headed back to where my friends' were. They had wondered where I was!

It was harder to walk on the sand than the swimming I'd just done! I probably had moved 'downstream', about 200m from where I started.

As I passed the Life Savers' lookout, one of them said they'd been watching me the whole time! Very pleased about that!

It's a situation I've not repeated, nor EVER want to!

Only in a dream!
by Finy
The only time I can re-call is before xmas of 2016, we were involved in a car rollover, I was so scared, I thought we were going to die! then we had to climb out of the car and wait for help, luckily we got away with a few minor scratches.
Wow, Diana! I'm glad to hear you all got out alive. It must have been an incredibly scary experience.
by Vee
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