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Have you ever had the misfortune to have to use a dunny like this picture?

by Finy (follow)
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Toilet (8)      Dunny (1)      Outside toilet (1)      Farm dunny (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever had the misfortune to have no other choice but to use a dunny/toilet like this one?

Where abouts?

#Outside toilet
#Farm dunny
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I have on several occasions unfortunately as they are disgusting.

Once we were on a farm house in the country in austria and this was their only toilet, so eventually after waiting some time I had to use it.

And the worst part is we overnighted at this house!

I have used a similar one in Asia though not quite as bad as underneath was open and there was a river, and the turtle below got wetter!!
by Finy
LOL, yes. When I was little, my family went overseas to visit my grandfather. This was the only kind of toilet he had. Needless to say, it wasn't fun having to get up in the middle of the night and trek through snow to get to the dunny.
by Vee
At least mine in the farm in Austria was on the back porch -UPSTAIRS -not sure where "it" all fell down to
by Finy
LOL, I didn't mean upstairs, I mean having to get up from a warm bed to go outside and trek through snow.
by Vee
I have used far worse, in remote parts of Asia, where I just kept my sunglasses on so I couldn't see the filth and breathed through my mouth in an attempt to lessen the impact of the smell.... but when you gotta go, you gotta go!
As a child growing up in the late 1950's in poor part's of England.
I was fine, but using newspaper was not really nice.
I remember it well.
I swear that newspaper was softer than Bronco or Izal. *ouch* How did we wipe anything with that?! We used to trace with it. LOL
by Rice
Yes in Asia - not as bad as I thought it would be. I was more nervous of the insects that were in there!
by AJ
Yes in India, ladel and water instead of paper!
by Fran
When I was a very little girl,my neighbours had an outside loo like this,but fortunately they did keep it as clean-smelling as possible. It took many years for me to realise why the neighbours always seemed to need to go to the toilet when they visited us!!!
This was the norm b4 sewerage underground put in after the War.
Still get dunnies' like this in the country, & along some highways.
Better than nothing!
Our first home in Australia had a dunny out the back. It was a new home, luckily, and my mother kept that thing scrubbed within an inch of it's life! I always took my dog with me, you know, because of the spiders, snakes, grasshoppers and beetles - all as big as Godzilla to a nine year old Pom.
by Rice
I wouldn't say 'misfortune' as I have used much worse. This is similar to one of the best ones outside of a hotel I have used in Ghana, West Africa while staying with some in laws. I just remember to take my torch as night as there are no lights in there.

I too have used worse overseas, Aren't we lucky to have sewerage! Can you believe that so many "civilised" countries do not have "civilised" toilets! I have seen signs in melbourne toilets telling people not to stand on the seats! OMG
My great aunt lived in the Blue Mountains and the exact same toilet was out the back of her shop. I used it for many years and it was still there when she passed over. I presume that since her property was sold and turned into a couple of different shops that the toilet would have been updated. We were lucky though as she had a mixed business we had the luxury of using the tissue paper that the apples were wrapped in as toilet paper. There were also cut sheets of newspaper attached to the other nail on the toilet door.
Maybe not one exactly like it, but I have used a drop dunny up at Uluru I think it was, Yuk! they stink and their disgusting, but when you gotta go you gotta go, I had no choice other than going in a bush, but that's hard when you have tourists floating around.
Not as low as that 1, but it was my (now) in-laws outdoor 1, when I visited from June '64 until they moved house in 1970. It had torn up yellow telephone pages hanging on a hook on 1 of the walls. Also no light in there of cause, so we had to take a torch, to look for spiders, but not nearly as bad as all of the other stories I have read here! Ouch!
by Miro
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