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Have you ever had the misfortune to bite your tongue or cheek while eating?

by Finy (follow)
For more recipes by Finy, check out my website: www.finysfood.blogspot.com.au/
Accident (28)      Bite tongue (1)      Bite cheek (1)      Hurt while eating (1)      Sore mouth (1)      Sore tongue (1)     

Photo: www.funnyjunk.com

Have you ever bitten your cheek or your tongue while eating?

Did it hurt for days?

#Bite tongue
#Bite cheek
#Hurt while eating
#Sore mouth
#Sore tongue
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Top Answers
Yes, I did this recently and for a day or two afterwards I kept biting the same spot.

It was very sore each time, but was gone in about 3 days.

Not a pleasant thing to do, and not quite sure how it can happen!
by Finy
Love how you are so honest in your replies Finy!
by Fran
Love how you are so honest in your replies Finy!
by Fran
Yes! But fortunately the mouth heals quite rapidly compared to other parts of gthe body. It really is a horridly painful experience thjough! OUCH!!!
It's a wholly unpleasant experience, and when you do it badly it really hurts! I swore lots last time I did it!
Yes I have bitten my cheek when eating over the years on a few occasions
by Fran
I haven't done this in a long time...
by Vee
Yes - but it must be a while since it's happened because I can't remember the last time it has
by AJ
Far too often.
Cheeks more than tongue. Don't know why. But will bite same place consistently for a few days. Painful, as I bite hard, usually. Maybe cheek gets 'in the way' whilst chewing! Hate it! Am 'bite free' at the moment. THAT'S a positive!
Yes heaps of times, as well as...My lip! It makes me (gently, sort of) swear to my self & pull silly faces when I do it! but in spite of that, my husband always asks me if i'm alright.
by Miro
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