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Have you ever had frost on your lawn in the early morning?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: www.soil-net.com

Have you ever had frost on your lawn in the morning?

#Frost on lawn
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Yes, we had it in Perth several times last year, and as it is already down to about 7 and it is not yet winter, we will probably have it again this year.

It is quite odd, as it crunches -it is at around 7 am when I walk my dogs, but disappears quite quickly.
by Finy
Nice new pic Finy!
by Fran
When I was growing up in Melbourne,we often had frost on the lawns.It was so pretty as the sun came up and made it sparkle. I have never had frost on my grass in North Queensland though,not in all the many years I have lived here.
Well yes, I live in northern Europe! So I've had frost more times than I can recall :) It's beautiful.
Yes but haven't seen any this year, however I don't venture out until around 9am
by Fran
Yup, every spring and fall.
Yes plenty of times but not in Australia
by AJ
Plenty of times here in Sydney.
by Vee
All the time here in Sydney
in winter.
Nothing new.
Yeah, of course, situation normal in Winter!
Yes - back home in the UK it was a permanent feature of winter mornings. Here in Brisbane can't say I've ever noticed any frost on the lawn.
We live in the suburbs so frost on the lawn is not common. I can rember it being commonplace when I was young and lived in the country.
Yes and I kick my shoes off and walk through it. Not sure when this started but it certainly wakes you up!
We don't have any lawn, but I used to see it on other peoples lawns when my friend & I walked at 6.30am in winter, before she left for work. (She's retired now, so we walk a couple of hours later, when it's not so cold!)
by Miro
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