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Have you ever had chilblains?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever had chilblains?

Do you even know what they are?

#Cold weather
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I thought it was something that had all but disappeared as you do not hear people talking about them any more.
However I have them again! Didnt have them for many years and perhaps I have them on my feet as I use an electric blanket each night and get into a very hot bed - love it!

Mine are not bad like in the photo though, but my feet sometimes turn purple, rather my toes are purple as are my fingers at times.
by Finy
I am glad those aren't your feet Finy !
I've had them a couple of times, but not for a long time now. Try not to scream, but one of the 'natural' remedies is to wee on your feet when you're having a shower. Apparently something in the urine helps to clear them up! And yes I have done this and it does work!
No, I've never had chilblains before.
no never
Chilblains were always mentioned in England when I was a kid but I actually can't remember having any. I do, however, always keep my feet warm as I feel the cold badly. . . and we always had three pairs of socks on to go out in the snow etc.
by Rice
No I have never had them. My circulation is very good thank goodness, and I protect my extremities from the cold to prevent this sort of thing happening.
No, never had.
Yes I have when I was a child my father made me wee on my feet.
They are quite severe in that photo poor lady! As a young teen I did suffer from chilblains on fingers and toes and that was because heating way back then was not centralised like today and schools and some early jobs were very cold places! Fortunately I no longer suffer and haven't for around fifty years thank goodness, I would assume todays remedies are far more effective than in my day...
by AJ
But I almost always have cold feet.

No, I've never had them either, & this is the 1st AA I have received in months! I used to get them every day, which didn't please my husband because I was spending to much time answering the questions!
by Miro
I have never had chilblains.
never, thank goodness
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