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Have you ever had an X-ray or CT scan and when was the last time?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever had to have a CT scan, or an X-ray?

When was the last time you had one?

#CT scan
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I had a CT scan last week and was amazed at how quick it was.

I was in and out within about 15 minutes, and was even bulk billed.

There are no xrays as it was all electronically sent to my doctor.
by Finy
Hand x-rayed to check thumb not broken or 'chipped'!

Mostly have these done as part of regular check-ups' to make sure all is 'ticketty-boo'!
I have never had any of these things done.
by Gia
I've had several of each and even other scans, I think the last scan I had was an x-ray when I messed up my little finger to check if it was broken,
Gosh, I've had lots. Not so many CT scans, but more x-rays and ultrasound scans than I can remember and quite a lot of MRI scans too. I'm a radiologist's dream!
My last lot were a couple of weeks ago when I had mammograms (breast x-rays) and lymph node ultrasound scans to check out a lump in my breast. Luckily it turned out to be benign. I am seeing the doctor about something else today and have a sinking feeling I will end up being referred to the hospital for more scans for that.......
Yes, quite recently had a CT scan and internal ultrasound for a cyst on an ovary, was not hard, trhe US was a bit undignified but once you have given birth naturally...you are really up for anything ha ha!
by Fran
I just had a CT Scan 6 weeks ago.

It was fine, a tad long 17 mins, but well well worth it!
I have scans of various types at regular intervals. The last was a huge assortment of both plain x-rays and ct scans just before Christmas. I am due to have an EEG soon to check how my brain is reacting to everyday occurrences.It was supposed to be last Friday,but the specialist had to leave town for a few days.These tests do not bother me at all.
I have never had a ct scan or an X-ray
by AJ
Yrs . 12 month's ago. Several of each
Had an xray in January to check the foot pain I was having, and was then diagnosed with the start of a bunion.
Over the years lots of X-rays, one CT scan. Last CT was about 4 years ago, last X-ray about 2 months ago.
I had a brain tumour several years ago and now have to have MRIs every two years to check there is no recurrence - hate going in that tunnel!
I also have mammograms every year after having been diagnosed twice with breast cancer.
2 months ago, & I had mammogram, (every 2 years) then last month I had 7 x-rays for pain that was 'shooting' down my right arm & on the side of my right hand also. They still couldn't tell me what that was from, but It's (mostly) ok now!
by Miro
In the last eighteen months lots, I had breast cancer as well as hyperparathyroidism
Yes - many over the years. At the Dentist and every 2 years for bone density after weight loss surgery. Also for chest infections periodically.
I've had my fair share over the years, the last being about 3 months ago which were ultrasound, DVT scan and MRI which picked up a massive deterioration in my knee, recommending knee replacement but I'm holding off for a while. That's too much sport during my youth and later on.
yes a few years ago everytime I had a cold sent for xray last time xray and ct scan everything always alright doctor was xray happy and specialst happy since changing doctors no more xrays etc and no more colds, as I am not as often in the doctors waiting rooms. only for a fresh scrip for blood preasure.
Yes, I had an x-ray 3-6 months ago, to find out why I've been coughing for the last 2 or 3 years. Still no reason for the coughing!
by Miro
4 weeks ago back pain needle 2 play golf have a life with moderate pain
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