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Have you ever had an operation?

by chipp (follow)
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Life throws us curve balls which may result in a medical procedure. Have you ever had an operation? Were you given a general anesthetic and were you scare?

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Oh Yes!
I have had my Gall Bladder out 40 years ago, and it was a Big operation in those days.
3 Caesareans.
2 major operations on my teeth.
2 times needed to have procedures, as I lost two babies, one at nearly 4 months...one at 5 months.

Yep you could say the operating room, is very much a place I have been....and really hope not to return.
The staff every time were wonderful! bless their hearts. :)

Yes, sadly a fair few: eye operations, perforated ear drum and getting skin cancer removed off my back. Last year I had an infected tooth treated. No more operations please!
Yes. I have had a knee reconstruction after I tore a ligament in my knee playing volleyball. I don't remember being scared, but I remember not feeling well after waking up from anesthesia.
Fortunately I have never had to have an operation. Hopefully things stay that way.
3 c-sections. The first was an emergency and the next two were because of the first one. That's enough for me!
Yes, on my right arm. I tripped over a sliding door and hit the concrete. To brake my fall, I used my elbow. Luckily for me, there was no blood.
Yes. I have had a heart valve replaced which took 7 hours.
Thankfully no
Yes - several. Neurosurgery for brain tumour, breast cancer surgery x 2, torn rotator cuff surgery, gynae surgery and several smaller surgical ops. The only one which was a bit scary was the neurosurgery as outcome was unsure.
Yes, several. Differing Anaesthesia for differing procedures, so General, Twilight & Local.

Scared? Of course! Anytime you 'go under' is scary. You may not wake!
Yes. Ive had a couple of major ones and several lesser ones with general anesthetic. As for being
scared - not in the least as I'm a positive thinker and knew I'd wake up much better and without pain when I came to.
yes, by the time you reach my age, most people have had!
by Finy
Yes I have just had an operation. Unfortunately they cannot find out what the problem is. I hope they do. I am under top specialists and in a lot of pain. I will keep smiling......May😀😊💐🌷

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