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Have you ever had an embarrassing moment in public?

by Maria (follow)
Chief Editor at craftbuddies.hubgarden.com/ and niftynailart.hubgarden.com/
Question (37)      Public (8)      Embarrassment (5)      Shame (1)     
Image Source via morgueFile

A slightly more light hearted question today!

Many of us have had the embarrassing experience of making a show of ourself in public.
I know I have had a few!

Have you ever had an embarrassing moment in public? Did you laugh about it?

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Top Answers
Yes. When I was in high school, I didn't know what a ukelele was called. Instead I told my mum is was a little bass - of course the man who overheard me must've peed himself laughing. I'm absolutely mortified every time I think about it.
by Vee
Once waiting in line in a bank, my son not only made a huge burp, but made a big noise the other end?*#!
All I could do as well as go red in the face, I patted him on the back and said ''Good Boy''!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. jonaj, that is hilarious. Tell me this happened when he was a little boy.
by Vee
lol...he was about 2 months old.
by jonaja
LOL! Well that's ok, surely. It's so funny when they're that 'new', they seem to fart all the time! At least mine did.

by Vee
Lots. It usually involves me falling over or showing my ignorance on a certain topic.
Like ukeleles? LOL. Damn ignorance.
by Vee
Yep. What's even worse are those times when I am sure I am right and the other person is wrong, insist upon it, and then find out they were right and I was wrong.
Oh no, I know what that feels like, lol.
by Vee
Yesterday I shouted "woah" very loudly at an unexpected moment during a film I was watching. I hope that the other moviegoers in the cinema didn't hear my exclamation!
Yes, I have had several and probably the all time worst was being escorted by three policeman whilst travelling overseas in Europe.

I was marched through the main train station and felt so embarrassed and just prayed that no one I knew would see me!
by Finy
Recently, I had finished teaching a class and was heading to another when the bottom of my right shoe came off. I had to appear in the next class in socks only. When the students asked me what happened to my shoes I told them that I simply just love the feel of the hard floor. When school was dismissed and all the students left to go home, I got the shoe mended before I went on the road to go home.
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