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Have you ever had an ant infestation in your home?

by Finy (follow)
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Ants (2)      Infestation of ants (1)      House ants (1)     

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever had an infestation of ants inside your home?

How did you get rid of them and did you find out where they were going to?

#Infestation of ants
#House ants
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I have when I was living in the country and I never found out where they were actually heading -it was a mystery.

But the line was very long going right along a wall in a verandah and weaving inside in the kitchen on the ledge. I used honey at one stage and that seemed to help as they got stuck in there however I think it is possibly not as cruel to use a poison as honey would be a slow death.

In the end I had to use Ant Rid or some such and that did the trick.

I have not had them inside since living in the city but have heaps outside and in the lawn, and also ones that bite around certain sprinklers in my lawn.
by Finy
I have had ants before ..lot's of them at home in kitchen. I used to follow them and saw them going inside a small opening in a wall. I had a small chalk that would draw a line and the ants would not cross them..it always worked. But that meant they would change their course to reach destination. But I didn't care about them too much and just drew lines around things that needed to be certainly protected.
by BK
Never - thankfully!
by AJ
We get flying ants in the summer that all hatch on one day - horrible
Never had an ant infestation. I imagine it would be annoying!
Too, too many times. My husband puts out ant rid and we spray around the windows and doors with surface spray.
Yes when I first moved into my apartment in Singapore, there was a regular ant highway across my kitchen floor. The previous occupants hadn't kept the cupboards clean and they were providing a feast for the little critters! I had a thorough spring clean and put ant powder down all round the edges of the room and that seemed to sort the problem out.
Once and we were able to rid them with cinnamon - a lot of it too. We had to leave cinnamon down for at least a week where we found them coming into our house and they finally stopped coming in - we never could figure out where they originated from outside. It was pretty frustrating!
Yes, last month.

Went to the supermarket, bought the 'ant baits'.

Guess what!

No Ants, in 24 hrs....and they never came back.
Oh my gosh I have ants all the time at this time of the year...not 'an infestation' as in the pic but any little bit of foodstuffs on the floor or bench and there is a line of little black ants there....can't leave any leftover catfood down else it is covered in ants very quickly....
by fran
In Australia, I had a horrible infestation. They would come out in summer. They were big and had wings and they filled the rooms upstairs. I remember when I took a shower once, I grabbed my towel to dry off and it was covered in ants. What the exterminator told me was that they were queens hatching out trying to start their own colonies. It took 3 or 4 summers to fully get rid of them. I still remember waking up at night to feel tickles on my face and seeing them all over the bed and in the air. Nightmare stuff.
Got those very tiny black ants now!
Have to keep cat's food containers in pan of water.
Bloomin' nuisances. Will be organising pest controller.
Yes, one time we had flying ants. UGH!
We used ant bait. That ended their ''visit'' for sure!
We have the tiny, tiny black ants in our kitchen. They mostly leave on their own accord. I have had to leave bait out for them a couple of times. Then we found thousands of them on the water heater in the laundry. I don't have the heart to get rid of them from there!
by Miro
It's early November now, & the ants have all but disappeared now, Until next winter I guess!)
by Miro
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