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Have you ever had an anaesthetic?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Apple's Eyes Studio. www.freedigitalphotos.net

Have you ever had to have an anaesthetic? If you've had one recently, have you noticed a difference from years ago? Do you get a reaction to anaesthetics?

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Yes several times ... what's always fascinated me about it is you wake up and have no concept of having lost any time.
Yes - far too many for my liking! Locals I don't mind so much, but generals - going into it is not so bad (other than acknowledging the small chance that you may not come out of it), but coming out is a great experience (other than the relief that you're obviously still alive!).

I woke up in the middle of a general once and told the surgeons that it was really painful. Took them by surprise a bit...
by kimp
Yes, many times, of each, General, Local & Twilight, depending on procedure.

Never had any reaction/problems.
But, as in Top Hospital Private Cover, I ensure that I get the best Anaethetist, along with my Surgeon.
THAT's why I pay so much! The choice IS mine then!
When I had a filling, I was given a light anaesthetic to dull the pain, but it didn't have any affect, and I felt everything.
by Finy
Yes I did have one but many years ago. Haven't had one recently so don't know if there is a difference!
I have had local anaesthesia, while getting dental treatment.
I had to undergo a foot surgery for which I was given option of epidural or spinal to numb only lower body or general anaesthesia, the one which puts you to sleep completely. I opted for the general. It was peaceful and acted within seconds. While revival it feels like you are drowning and someone is pulling you out of water.
Actually been on the other side mostly with the anaesthetic in my hand. The toughest part of being a dental surgeon!
by Smita
I've had general anaesthetic twice - once when I was 12 for a hernia operation, and once a few years ago when I had my tonsils out. Can't say I noticed much difference between the two times, except that after the one when I was younger I was really hungry and craving greasy food. That might have just been youngster comfort eating though!
Not even once.I have had family members go through it and have some knowledge of the intricacies involved in it.It really isn't a good thing to go through one,whether it is local or general.
I had a local to put in a drip when my daughter was born. It stung more than the epidural!
I have had about 9-10.

Had a lot of things happen, so I know the routine backwards.Not a lot of fun, but it sometimes is part of life.
Could not imagine what it would be like without them...Make me wonder 'how'
people managed, years and years ago.Wow!
P.S. I forgot to say, now they are much better than when I had my very first one at 19. That was 40 years ago.
The new one now, is very quick, and no real ill effects at all....I use to get quite sick, when I had those years ago.

by jonaja
Yes, they have improved! And what a great picture you found -I looked for ages and couldnt find one like that!
by Finy
I can't help myself....I love pictures LOL :)
by jonaja
Have noticed that, jonaj! Lol!
And they're usually very appropriate, & beautiful!
Thank you for the time you take to source them. They bring me much joy! Cheers!
by donjo
Thanks donjo :)
by jonaja
Thank goodness, no.
by Vee
Many a times.. both local and general. And there was one time where I gave myself alcoholic anaesthetic t clean my wound from an accident (realised later its a bad idea)
I had a general anaesthetic once. That was fine. I've had local anaesthetic several times for dental treatment. The last two times was for wisdom tooth extraction. The first time, I had to get an extra dose because I could still feel what was being done. The second time, I told the dentist (a different one) that I could still feel it, but she continued. I thought that perhaps I was imagining things, and that there wasn't really any pain but just imagined pain as all my focus was on that area of my mouth. But afterwards, just after the wisdom tooth extraction, I was in so much pain, it was unbelievable. I had not been given enough anaesthetic. And this was at a surgery whose motto is "Discover Gentle Dental Care" and includes the words "we focus on a minimal pain dental experience to change how you feel about visiting the dentist regularly."
Xenas -what an awful experience -I have only ever read about things like that happening....I guess you won't go to the dentist in a hurry again.
by Finy
I have had more than I would have liked. I must say they have improved immensely. In days gone by I would get violently ill post anaesthetic now they are much easier to handle.
Yes - over the years I have had several operations entailing the use of anaesthesia. Years ago I used to get a bit of a reaction (felt nauseous) but, now anaesthetics are so sophisticated, no problem at all.
Yes last year - so different to years ago and also attitudes by staff is so much better. They chatted to me while I drifted off and then I woke hearing staff again chatting amongst themselves in recovery. What was even better no throwing up.

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