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Have you ever had a tarot reading done?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever had a tarot reading?

Was anything true?

#Tarot cards
#Tarot reading
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I have and it was very interesting!

I cannot remember if it was true, but interesting nonetheless!
by Finy
Many times. I actually read the cards myself.

Yes,I have had the Tarot read and the great thing was that I got a taped recording of the entire session! I found that many things were quite interesting,but I don't know that I would say they were TRUE!! So many answers can fit the same circumstances of various people! I have also been to clairvoyants,and I find that they tend to be far more accurate and personal.
No. Never will.
Good :)
by jonaja
No, and I don't like the idea. I prefer not to know what the future holds for me.
by Vee
Only once and once I went to a clairevoyant....
by Fran
I did it once. It was interesting - some things have come true but most of it hasn't
by AJ
Yes. I don't believe in fortune telling but I find tarot interesting. I like the symbolism of the cards and some decks are really pretty.
No I haven't.
I am a Christian and it is forbidden by God, and a very serious offence.
Curious only, jonaj, what's the 'penalty' for this 'serious offence', according your belief?
by donjo
It is seen as an abomination to the Lord.
For a Christian is to seek the guidance of Christ, in prayer..
by jonaja
Yes, jonaj, I would agree.
by donjo
Yes can be interesting
Yes I have and I really enjoyed the reading. Was anything true? I can't remember specific so that makes me think there were things that were true. Had it all been lies and unimpressive I would have remembered.
Yes, only once and she told me that my love life was going to get intense. The next month after the tarot reading, I was engaged, and six months later, I was married.
She also told me I would be wealthy. Still waiting for that to happen...
Yes. Many years ago I had my cards read. They were so accurate I couldn't believe what I was hearing. An example, she picked up on an injured shoulder I didn't know about relating to a male in my life. At first I told her there was no one I knew with that problem only to find out later that the guy I was seeing was the one with the problem. She also told me other things concerning him I had no knowledge of and these also proved to be true
Lots of times. I hardly ever remember what they say though.
I think it is a sin to go to fortune tellers and tarot card readers et al.
Sort of putting your faith in them instead of Our Lord is a no no.
No I haven't. I didn't want to waste my money, & then be wondering whether it would come true or not for the rest off my life!
by Miro
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