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Have you ever had a psychic reading and were you disappointed?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Spiritual (8)      Psychic (5)      Supernatural (5)     

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Have you ever been for a psychic reading and were you disappointed or surprised?

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Being a Christian, I leave all in God's care. My future is left up to God. What will be, will be.
No I haven't as they charge too much and those looking to make a profit from their 'gift' are usually fakes.
Yes. Four. It conflicts me. Two were laughable and two were very accurate with a few things. I WANT to say it is a well learned parlour trick BUT my religious upbringing keeps knocking at my door and saying, "it's a sin to commune with the spirits!" . . . which is a paradox as we were brought up not to believe in them anyway. However, if somebody brought out a Ouija board I would be off like a scalded rabbit. Bryony's right - only a fake would want to be recompensed. Somebody I know has booked in to see a guy that has an 18 month waiting list and charges $175. Bah humbug, sez I.
by Rice
Yes, I have, a few times. I have been surprised and disappointed, so it depends on the person. My friend is a psychic medium, and she always tells me that you must get a good one with a good reputation. I tend to go to ones I see at markets, so you get what you pay for. I went to one at a market in Noosa and she was astoundingly accurate. My friend is very good. I do ask her for help if I have a personal problem, and she gives me spiritual guidance. That's very reassuring. I have had my fair share of charlatons as well. You get the good with the bad in everything.
What will be will be. I don't want any warning!
I'm a Christian, which forbids anything like that.
I've had two accurate readings done with two different women and both were so accurate, even though it took me quite a while to work out what the first one was trying to tell me. She kept bringing up a woman with black hair who meant nothing to me. She also told me of a shoulder problem the guy I was seeing at the time had. Little did I know until some months later that the woman she described to me happened to be the wife of the guy I was seeing who neglected to tell me he was married so bye bye when I found out I'd wasted nearly 12 months of my life. He couldn't understand why I ended it as soon as I found out. Duh!
Yes I have had a couple of readings in my time,and they weren't bad quite honestley, Andre Dante is pretty good, but I don't know if he still does it.
No, never have, never will.
Don't believe in them.
I believe some have the ability to provide psychic readings, but there is no way in cat's hell I would ever consider seeing them. I'm with littl and jonaj, so it's Jesus for me.
by Vee
No, I genuinelly say I wasn't disappointed, but you do have to be careful.
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