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Have you ever had a penfriend?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
Hobbies (76)      Friendship (19)      Penfriends (1)      Penpals (1)     

letter writing
Image courtesy of takomabibelot / Wikimedia Commons

Writing to a penfriend is a popular hobby during many people's childhood, and some even continue writing to their friends well into adulthood. Have you ever had a penfriend, and do you still write to him or her? Can you recommend any good websites to find a penfriend?

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I have had a few penfriends.

I'm not really into them now, it is a far different world.
Lies seem to be unquestionably part of some pen friends, and one really never knows the real truth of what they write.

Plus I do know some are of the criminal nature too.
That's a whole different ball game.!!
I have had about fifteen penfriends and I enjoyed it so much. The ones from childhood have gone by the wayside as they stopped writing when they went to university. I had ones from Japan, manila, US, Canada, the UK, France, and Australia. When I was a teenager, I even wrote to my Canadian friend in French to improve my written French ( I did six years of French at school as well as three other languages). I have had two of my penfriends come to visit me in Australia. I still have five pen friends including one from Sweden. I would love to have more penfriends. Nothing like a handwritten letter arriving in the mail. I saw an advert in the newspaper from a prisoner and wrote to him for a little while. Everyone says I write very well and sometimes write up to 20 page letters, with 10 pages being the bare minimum. I have always been good at writing and would love to do more of it by getting more penfriends.
I have several that go way back to when I was in my teens.
It is great hearing about each others events.

Many, many years ago. She was Malaysian but we lost contact. I think I was nine and I think I addressed the envelope wrongly.
by Rice
(I had no idea there were penfriend websites.)
by Rice
I have never written to somebody I didn't know personally, which is what I'm assuming you mean by 'penfriend'. I did write to a childhood friend when I was little. I also wrote to my 'boyfriend' when I was 12...That's about as close I got to a 'penfriend'. To be fair, I didn't 'know' him.
by Vee
Yes, had a boy in Ceylon, & a girl in Tokyo from when I was about 12-16.

Lost contact after that, with moving.
In my teens but not since.
When I was a child I wrote to a few penfriends....one in Germany, another in Canada and my cousin in Scotland. Unfortunately, we lost touch, though, as we got older and started uni, etc. When my daughter was in her early teens we found her some lovely penfriends through a great website...Global Penfriends ( http://www.globalpenfriends.com/ ). It's a very good site for anyone, old or young, who would like to connect with a penfriend or an email pal, safely and securely.
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