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Have you ever had a meal at a dark restaurant?

by DanyaS (follow)
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Restaurant Meal
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Have you ever had a meal at a dark restaurant that is pitch black?

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Only a couple of times, when there was an unforeseen power failure during the meal. One of those times was at our wedding !!! Power went off for about half an hour, but staff came round with candles. It was quite romantic really, and is a talking point even now. Family and friends always reminisce about it.
Oh wow! That certainly makes for an amazing wedding story to tell :) I am glad that the staff was prepared!
by DanyaS
Wow. What a lovely thing to happen.
by annfi
No. And I wouldn't like to either. I prefer to see what I'm eating, bugs or not.
Amen to that.
by Rice
No. I have never come across such a Read tau rant, and even if I did, I would feel comfortable eating in the dark. Despite it being pitch black I would actually feel self conscious.
I can understand how you would feel self-conscious with not knowing if someone else can actually see you but you can't see them. The restaurant I went to employed visually impaired wait-staff to give people an idea of what it is like to be in their shoes.
by DanyaS
I can imagine it would be a very illuminating experience.
Good pun Bryony!
by norma
Haha, thanks, Norma.
I have only had that experience once and it was quite enjoyable. My partner and I laughed through the majority of our meal. We were first escorted in by our waiter making a human train. Then, sat down for a surprise meal. My partner ended up eating with his hands after he failed to pick anything up with his fork.

It was a fun experience to do once. However, for me, once was enough to cross it off of my list. I prefer to engage all my senses during a meal to fully appreciate it.
Yes I have had a meal at a dark restuarant,it was mexican, and I also saw a bug crawling on the wall, it wasn't small either, needless to say we didn't go back.
Not that I can ever remember. I prefer to be able to read the menu and see whether the place is clean and tidy.
by Rice
No and I wouldn't want to - what's the point? I like to see what I'm eating and ensure everything is clean and well presented.
No and I wouldn't want to. I can be a messy eater - I'll admit that - so I need lights, people.
by Vee
Aaahh, that'd be NO!

I'm not at all comfortable in the dark. Full stop!

Like to SEE what I'm eating, my surroundings, others'.

How would one find one's way to the 'loo?
Are there tiny lights on the floor, like in aircraft?

How do the waiters' know which food to place on which table?

Bee stupid idea, IMHO!
The darkest restaurant I've ever eaten at is Friar Tuck's. Great sandwiches:)
What city's it in, Polly?
by donjo
There are only three Friar Tuck's in Wisconsin: Fond du lac, Oshkosh, and Manitowoc. I went there for the first time in college. They have a sort of medieval theme. Cool place.
by Polly
No not as yet, it is supposed to enhance your senses. I have been to "dark mood" restaurants but find it too difficult to read the menu and see your surroundings, however I am willing to try a real dark place once for the experience.
I have not eaten at a dark restaurant, but I would like to give it a go.
I blindfolded myself for about 4 hours once to see if my other senses became sharper. Indeed they did. I was home alone and prepared , cooked, ate and cleaned up after my meal. I thought it best to not put my dishes away in case they needed a better clean, but they were good. I was surprised at how many things in a house have their own smell. It was a good experience. I think I will do it again.
That is very interesting! It is indeed surprising how our other senses work twice as hard when we can't see. I felt mine heightened as well when I experienced a meal in a completely dark restaurant. It was a very unique experience.
by DanyaS
Eat in a dark restaurant ? Do you mean as in a power failure or do you mean in a restaurant with really poor lighting ?
If the lighting in the kitchen of that restaurant was out because of power failure or dark because of really poor lighting, I sure wouldn't be eating there at all.
The restaurant would be completely pitch black with not a sign of light. However, the kitchen would be well lit for the chefs to properly prepare the meal. There are quite a few restaurants like that worldwide that offer a different experience to enjoy food differently, simply based on the taste.

You would be led in by the waiters to your table, and led out at the end to where you can pay (which is lit). It is an interesting experience, though slightly daunting.
by DanyaS
Thanks DanyaS. I guess that would be an interesting experience, depending on the meal, the amount of sauce/gravy. I reckon I might get a big surprise on leaving and finding the sauce or whatever dribbled down my front.
by fran.
really why?
would I.
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