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Have you ever had a lucid dream?

by Vee (follow)
Sleep (90)      Silly (64)      Dreams (15)     

Image by cbcs, morgueFile.com

A lucid dream is one in which you become aware of the fact that you are dreaming.

Have you ever had a lucid dream?

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I know I've had at least one lucid dream. One day, I had an inkling I would have a particular kind of dream. That night, when the dream started, I was very conscious of the fact and thought, "Here we go again". I then said, "Jesus shelter me", and the dream ended there.
by Vee
Perhaps, although I cannot say for sure. There is an argument that lucid dreaming is not so much an awareness of dream rather than a brief wakefulness and I'm inclined to think this is more the case. I think sometimes you wake momentarily, realise the experience you have been having is a dream before returning to sleep.
Yes, I have. Most of them are not very nice though because I am trying to wake up and can't.
I had a lucid dream. I remember that I was walking with my sister, and remember turning to her and saying. This is strange, because this is a dream. She told me I was being silly. I said I would remind her in the morning. Next morning, she didn't believe me! 😳
Wow, that is so cool. Also, how in the world did you include an emoticon in your response?
by Vee
I have and I do.
Some are quite weird, but it has happened all my life.
Yes often, however I do not generally remember dreams.
by Finy
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