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Have you ever had a job where you worked unusual hours?

by Finy (follow)
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Work (104)      Shift work (1)      Unusual hours of work (1)      Night work (1)     

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Have you ever had a job where you worked unusual hours?

#Shift work
#Unusual hours of work
#Night work
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I haven't worked shift or night times however have worked long hours when I had my own business.

However this was a choice.

I would not have liked to have worked shift hours or all night as like my sleep at night too much, and need it!
by Finy
Only years ago when I was a Flight Attendant, we fley all hours, other than that now working part time from home I can work anytime
by Fran
yes, i use to work as a chef where the hours were from 3-11pm
yes, i use to work as a chef where the hours were from 3-11pm
yes, i use to work as a chef where the hours were from 3-11pm
I worked in the hospitality industry for a number of years and really had some odd hours
by Gia
I have owned my own business,and would work strange hours when my son was little,i.e.when he was sleeping at night. I have also done jobs where I would leave home very early to get to my place of work on time when I was doing an apprenticeship.
I've never done shift work but have frequently been so late on overtime that I don't get home until near midnight.
I don't work shift hours. However I do work long hours during the week - typically 10 - 15 hours a day
by AJ
Yes. My standard hours in Singapore were 8am to 3am, seven days a week. Not so unusual in the finance industry but it raised an eyebrow or two amongst friends and family who had no experience of the City! If I worked all night I would insist on going home for a shower and a nap. There are limits!
As a childbirth doula I go and attend my client once she goes into labour. This means that I could get a call at any random time of the day or night and could be working for anywhere between 2 - 24 hours. My first client I got called to attend her at 2pm and was with her until 12pm the following day. The pre-natal appoints are of 2 hours duration and are done at a time that is convenient for the couple and me - so it could be during the day, or on a weekend or in the evening.
Weirdest hours I've ever worked were as a kitchen hand in a convention centre where I worked 5-12 pm on weekends although I must say I preferred these hours to my other job at the time that was 6am - 2pm weekdays!
After training in a new job, had to work P/T Shift, the worst of which was a 5pm to 10pm. Just HATED it! The other shifts were ok, though. Then four months' later, was offered F/T Day Shifts. Hooray!

Not really
I did night shift for 4yrs I could not get my proper sleep I was a total wreck
I was a shelf stacker for a semester...that was in the middle of the night.

I have worked the wheat harvest which is dawn til dusk (with a half hour for lunch).

And of course, birth attendance (doula) is all hours.
I am an Industrial Engineer, which means I analyze work to determine productivity and problems. One place I worked had 3 rotating shifts. I had a complaint from a worker about a problem on the midnight shift. I had to work all 3 shifts to determine a resolution. I did this within a month.
At another place, I worked 4x10 hour shifts - 6am to 4:30pm. Making it worse was the fact that I had 1 hour drive in the morning and 1.5 hours going home. I was asked to analyze work on the second shift - 6pm to 4:30am. On top of that, I had to work day shift on Monday, 2nd shift Wed-Thurs and days again Saturday. I was dragging for an entire week afterwards.
I'm a nurse need I say more!

One where I started at 8pm till morning.
That was hard.
Another at 4pm till 8pm
Another at 5am to 11am
Another 5pm to 9pm
I’ve never had to work funny hours, but my husband had to work 3 different shifts of his 1st 16 years in his last job, & then he was put on day shift for the rest of his time there, which was another 17 years. Our daughter’a partner does awful hours of shift work, where he works in a paper recycling plant.
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