Have you ever had a home delivery for your grocery shopping?
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I have often had this as I was unable to go, at one stage, to do the shopping myself.
I still occasionally have it delivered as it is so easy and convenient.
I find one Firm very reasonable on price, and the other about double for the delivery price.
I will use it again nevertheless.
yes, but not in Australia. I try to save some money there by pushing the shopping cart home myself .. that's the only thing I have these days with 4 wheels !
No never but....thinking about it more and more as it gets harded with my back problem to carry all the time
I used to often have it delivered before I was married as I had no car.Delivery was only $2 in those days,so it was almost as good as free!!! I will most likely use this service again in the future but at present,I go shopping wit my neighbour and I enjoy it!!
I have never used it or considered it.
Yes, but I'm not a big fan as I like to get things from different stores.
No we haven't. In the area we live we are spoilt for choice with supermarkets.
I have my groceries delivered every week! Not from Coles or Woolworths as I'm in England but good old Sainsburys. It was a big plus about moving back here that I could do my main food shopping online and have it brought to the door :)
I sometimes have my groceries delivered - it's so handy
Mine will be here in about an hour. It's SO worth the money. It's a fabulous service!
I'm considering it as though I live within walking distance of the main shopping complex, a newly diagnosed bunion on one foot makes walking painful sometimes and I don't have a car.
But I also have to have money in the 'right' account to pay online, and this week, it's in the other account. I don't do internet banking so have to transfer the money physically on a weekday.
Years ago when I had no car I would usually shop at Woolworths, walk or catch the bus home and get the groceries delivered. Sometimes the groceries and I would get a taxi home but delivery was cheaper. I had no complaints.
I have shopped online with Coles and had my groceries delivered a couple of times in the last 18 months when I couldn't get to the shops. I found it convenient and chose to get my groceries delivered at a cheaper time. I think I will shop online regularly when I get to an age where shopping in person is difficult.
no have never had grocery delivered, dont think will ever use the delivery service as j like to buy fruit n veggies from different stores
no have never had grocery delivered, dont think will ever use the delivery service as j like to buy fruit n veggies from different stores
We’ve never had our food delivered, as we always shop @ Aldi’s, & they usually have other things we want to buy, besides food items!
One of my daughters is extremely time poor, holding down a part-time job, full time Uni with prac teaching and volunteering for other job-related credits and looking after husband and two children so she often orders on line from Woolworths. I've been there several times minding the younger of the boys when the delivery has arrived. I've checked off her lists against what was delivered and put the shopping away. I've found, and she's told me that often she scores with the meat being more than asked for but charged at the price it should have been. The fruit and veggies appeared to be of better quality than those I would normally see in the store. It's definitely a win for her but for me, I don't buy enough to warrant the expense and have preference stores I support.
Yes, I have had a home delivery, for some reason we didn't have the car, so I had no choice.
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