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Have you ever had a general anaesthetic?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever had a general anaesthetic?

#General anaesthetic
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Yes I have had them unfortunately.
Having an eye op on Thursday and cannot decide whether to have a general or not! Am scared of eye things and needles near eye, but general takes longer to get out of system.

by Finy
Ohhh Finy, you are so brave . . . my stomach flips at the very thought.
by Rice
ooh Rice, thursday is my day - they had me booked in overnight for such a small operation as I said I had no one to stay with me at home that night! do NOT want to stay overnight, though would be nice to have a few meals that I do not cook!
by Finy
Yep, I'm a chucker from waaaay back . . . useless with alcohol or any kind of drug. At parties I am such fun with my endless cups of tea.
by Rice
Good luck with your op Finy. I hope all goes well whichever way you choose.
by annfi
I have way too many! to be totally honest...
Sure have!
Several times, for various procedures. Don't have a problem with it afterwards, thank goodness.
nowadays donjo, they are so different though - so short or is the word "light"
by Finy
Yes, finy, 'twilight' for some procedures, but still 'full' General, for major ops.
by donjo
Yes. I have had quite a few general anaesthetics for various operations. My very first general was at age 11, to get my appendix out. What a brave little girl I was !!
and what a good little memory you have Lluxi!
by Finy
I do it at dentists too :(((
by Rice
No. I'm not that bad
by Lluxi
Yes. Several times. Every time I hope it will be the last as I am a vomitter. *sigh*
by Rice
you vomit afterwards?? how odd.......
by Finy
I vomit afterwards as well. Common side effect
by Lluxi
how odd you two ladies are!!!!
by Finy
Yes. I'm an oddball alright, Finy !!!!
by Lluxi
LOL . . .!!
by Rice
I also vomit after a general anaesthetic..I think it is common. I also cry uncontrollably the next day. My sister is the same. Nothing particularly wrong but can't stop crying.
by annfi
I have had several general anaesthetics. I am always amazed that I wake up and everything is finished. I think it's funny because I should expect it.
Because I was sick after the first couple I let the anaesthesiologist know and something is changed to stop vomiting. I also cry a lot the next day...I can't make it stop. Even though I have told nurses it has happened before, they are still distressed to see it. I guess nurses are sympathetic generally. My sister has the same thing happen , so it must be how our bodies deal with the process.
A friend of mine woke up screaming and telling the nurses her husband was trying to kill her . . . . . . . .
by Rice
Oh dear. How frightening for her.
by annfi
by AJ
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