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Have you ever had a free flight or bought anything with your frequent flyer points?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever had a free flight using your Frequent Flyer points?

Or have you ever bought anything with points you accrued on a credit card?

#Frequent flyer
#Frequent flyer points
#Free flights
#F/F points
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I have so many and have stoped travelling. I have had a few trips, business class around the world on frequent flyer points which means I spend an awful lot!

However it is wonderful getting these flights for nothing -I don't often use them for Australian flights as they seem to be so cheap I don't think it is worth it unless you do not travel overseas.
by Finy
Oh! Finy.......you don't 'get these flights for nothing'!
You've spent 1000's of $$$$ to accrue those points, probably more than what the cost of just outright buying an airfare!

Then there're the various Taxes to be paid, which amount to many $100's!

Same as there's no such thing as a 'free lunch', there's no such thing as a 'free airfare'!
by donjo
I am not really into collecting points as I have no use for them!! I do know many people who get tremendous value from theirs,but I simply do not spend enough money in the first place!!
No, I don't collect them.
by Vee
Not as yet.
I have never got free flights or upgrades with my points. I have a lot of points but never seem to have enough!
by AJ
I'm about to get $100 flybuys for groceries on our holiday. I'm going to buy myself a bottle of baileys and everyone else will get a treat too.
I never signed up for F.F.Points.

Don't like the idea of my name etc being in The System as much as it needs to be.
No I don't collect them
by fran
FF flights AREN'T free; taxes must be paid!

Used points for a trip to Sydney one time for a Concert.
I keep accruing them, & will use again when need be!
I used to use them years ago for free flights when it was worth it. However, it seems to be a bit of a rip off now so don't bother any more - just look for the best deal on flights.
We have a FF card for Coles, Target & K-mart, but we hardly ever go to these stores, so I don't think we'd have many points. I've never bothered looking up how many points we may have. I only shop at Coles if I can't buy what I need from Aldi.
by Miro
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