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Have you ever grown a passionfruit vine and did it fruit?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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Passionfruit vine (Image by johnlindsay via morgueFile)
Image by johnlindsay via morgueFile

They say passionfruit is easy to grow and can be one of the back yard's most bountiful crops.

Have you ever grown a passionfruit vine and did it fruit?

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A friend gave us one for a gift recently, it has been planted, fed and watered. Now the waiting begins will need to keep you posted on the fruit side of things, but it certainly looks lovely in the garden.
I have a passionfruit vine but alas I have no green thumb and although it grows and flowers in abundance there has never been a single solitary piece of fruit on it.

I thought to pull it out but the flowers themselves are so beautiful and it greens up the fence.
Just found out that individual passionfruit flowers have both male and female parts and can be pollinated by hand. I wish I'd known that years ago. This article has a video that shows how to pollinate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eicamZk1qis Defintiely going to give this a go.
I have grown a passionfruit plant and the flowers were wonderful but our climate here in England is not one that encourages tropical fruit to grow, so alas no crop for me :)
I'm growing two of them at the moment. Neither have fruited yet but I hope they will next season.
Had one for years' on back steps wrought iron work. It became a 'curtain' & shaded a play area for the kids'.
And it fruited in abundance! L o v e Passionfruit! Just cold, drizzled over icecream!
Yes, I have grown one and it went absolutely wild. I was in the country and it was planted in a huge vegetable garden that was totally enclosed. It grew over the top of the enclosure which was about 12 ft high as we had fruit trees in there also, and sent out all these useless things and never bore one single piece of fruit.

Eventually it almost took over so I had to have it removed totally. This all happened within about 18 months.
by Finy
Have grown banana passionfruit as well but prefer the more common breeds as the taste to me is sharper than the banana type. Both grew prolifically and covered the back fence. Invited the neighbours to pick what they wanted.
it grew in my lignum vitae tree and it gave me some wonderful and delicious passion i use them to make some lovely passion drink
I have always wanted too.......but, never got around to it!
I think it was just something on my very long 'to-do- list!
Yes and yes. Then my mother let my boyfriend "prune" it and it died. That was 45 years ago . . . ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)
by Rice
Yes, we did grow a couple as self seeded ones, but they didn't yield any fruit. A friend has a big vine growing over their front gate entrance, & it yields lots of fruit, at the right time of the year. She's had it for many years now.
by Miro
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