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Have you ever grated a bit of your finger into the salad while using a grater?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikihow.com

Have you ever had the misfortune to grate a bit of the skin on your finger into the salad while using a grater?

#Grating salad
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Yes, I have done this several times, and it hurts!

Grating away and got a bit close to the grater and zoomf, grated skin.

Gross and painful.

Have to throw out the salad and start again.
by Finy
Only if I need a tad more meat?

It's natures way of saying ''Keep ya mind on the job at hand'' !#*?#!*

by Finy
I have done this very painful thing several times,and not always when making a salad!! I have always managed to get the piece of skin and throw it away along with surrounding food!I think one of the most excruciating items to grate a piece of flesh into is ONION!!! Ouch!!!
More times than I can count. It is with a peeler more often than the grater though.
Luckily but I quite often use the grater on my food processor
Hi Claire lovely to see you here! :) missed you!
by jonaja
Thankfully I have not done this - I am conscious when the veg/cheese is getting to the end. I imagine it would be quite painful
by AJ
Laughing at Jonas answer, a classic!
Yes I have started to do this, it hurts...I now buy grated cheese, not only for that reason but also because I eat so much loving it to distraction. I believe you eat less this way, have it on dry biscuits
by Fran
Hi Fran! Have you tried the new Kraft 4 Cheese pack yet? It's grated Parmesan, Colby, Mozzarella & Tasty. I love it as a topping for Ham, Tomato & Cheese open-grill. The flavour combo's seem to work well! Cheers!
by donjo
Yes. I'm afraid of them, especially since watching an episode of SVU where somebody attacked somebody else with a grater. I try to use a pulser or blender where possible.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, the mind-picture of that's hilarious! Lol!
by donjo
Yes, & it bloomin' well hurts!
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