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Have you ever got undressed at night and realised you forgot to close the blinds?

by Finy (follow)
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Embarrassing moments (3)      Undressing (2)      Blinds open (1)     

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Have you ever got undressed at night, and then realised, you had left the blinds open?

#Embarrassing moments
#Blinds open
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Sad to say, this really happened to me...got undressed in the heat of our summer, lay on the bed, with nothing on, moved about and after about 30 minutes the dreadful truth hit me!!
I had forgotten to close the main blind and my house is very close to the busy road.

My daughters in law laughed and thought it was a great joke -I felt so AWFUL
by Finy
Oh WOW! '' show off '' lol.
by jonaja
by Vee
You naughty girl!
by Fran
You naughty girl!
by Fran
I am neither naughty or show off, guys! Still shudder when i think of it. if i were 40 years younger, perhaps i would not have minded
by Finy
I did this once on a cruise, only to realise the loading platform for those going to shore (by smaller boat) was AT MY PORTHOLE - so there were a tonne of people standing outside, where I thought there was only ocean!
We have a large tree outside our bedroom window so have privacy from the street so I don't worry during the day but I always close the blinds at night!
No I don't think so...may have started a couple of times and then...realized pretty quick...and shut the blind
by Fran
That would be a Yes!

You only do it once, then for the rest of your life you make sure...well I do lol.
I was just zoned out that night, a million miles away.
I know people saw something, I was more scared I would have the Police at my door for indecent whatever?...when I finally saw the curtains open.
That was one night I never want a repeat performance.
I have net curtains, so even if I don't close the curtains, no one can see in.
I have done loads of times - but I don't think anyone can see so I think it's okay
by AJ
I walked past a room once on my way from the bathroom to my room in a towel and thought the curtains in there were drawn only to discover they weren't. So embarrassing. I hope none of my neighbours saw me!

Definitely not!
No. Worse. I have sat on my loo and not realised my ensuite window was open! My neighbours yard is higher than mine . . . . I nearly turned myself into a corkscrew that day. *phew*
by Rice
I think your corkscrew comment is hilarious!
by norma
I have and often do. My house is pretty private and surrounded by shrubbery and palm trees. I don't have any concerns about being naked in the house which, living in Queensland, is the only way to go sometimes when the heat and humidity get too much. I also live alone so there are no privacy issues, ie kids being around etc. However, I am the epitome of modesty when anyone is around.
I should have set the scene for you, norma. The loo is under the window and the door is in front and to the right when sitting on said loo. I couldn't get off the loo once I had realised (too late, she cried) so I thought I would try to close the window in situ. I am short - when sitting I really couldn't reach the window, but I gave it my very best try and also nearly fell off the loo trying. . . . whilst imagining selling up and moving out under cover of night. I am very vigilant about the window these days.
by Rice
Please rice paper - no more - you've got me in stitches with your explanation! I am just imagining the scenario.
by norma
No. This has never happened. Our house is set back from the street so people would have to walk into the property a fair way to see in the windows.
All the time! My bedroom is down the side of the house and totally private so no one sees me from the street.
No, I never have.
by Miro
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