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Have you ever gone out to have a business dinner?

by natha (follow)
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Picture source: http://en.wikipedia.org/.

There are times when leaders of an organisation or key players opt to entertain discussions and make business decisions at a dinner setting.

Have you ever been involved in this sort of activity?

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Top Answers
Yes I have a year ago.
Not too keen, I find there is a lot of ego's.......floating.
One of my pet-hates.
I have gone out to have a business dinner. Regular coffee catch ups are also pretty commonplace.
by Vee
Vee....you haven't missed anything.I dread them. :(
by jonaja
That's why I voted for your response, jonaj, lol. ;)
by Vee
aww thanks Vee :)

by jonaja
No worries, jonaj. :)
by Vee
Back in the day when I was working, yes, we had business dinners all the time. Business drinks too. Not always a fun evening, I prefer to spend social time with friends rather than colleagues but it wasn't optional. My husband has a business dinner probably once a month but he seems to have nicer colleagues than I used to, so it's not so much of a chore! We also invite his friends from work round for dinner at our house quite a lot, as we enjoy entertaining and I like meeting the people he works with. This is particularly nice for those who are travelling and fed up to the back teeth of hotel and restaurant meals, as they can come to our house and have a lovely home-cooked meal.
Back in the day when I was working, yes, we had business dinners all the time. Business drinks too. Not always a fun evening, I prefer to spend social time with friends rather than colleagues but it wasn't optional. My husband has a business dinner probably once a month but he seems to have nicer colleagues than I used to, so it's not so much of a chore! We also invite his friends from work round for dinner at our house quite a lot, as we enjoy entertaining and I like meeting the people he works with. This is particularly nice for those who are travelling and fed up to the back teeth of hotel and restaurant meals, as they can come to our house and have a lovely home-cooked meal.
Oops! Not sure why this has posted twice! I only wrote it once :)
ID: 26051
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