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Have you ever gone fishing, and did you like it?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever gone fishing, and did you like it?

Did you catch any fish?

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I love fishing and have been many times.

When we bought a property in a rural area, our backyard had a large river flowing just outside our property line, and this was fabulous as we also had a jetty and I used to go and fish.

However I cannot take them off the hook so eventually had to stop as I was told if I cannot take them off, do not fish! I always felt sorry for them, but loved the feeling of catching a fish and struggling to bring it to the surface.

However, on writing this, I think that is cruel.

I had been before in boats and off jetties as I have always enjoyed this.
by Finy
i was about 4 the first time I was taken fishing in a boat with my parents and sister.The only thing I caught was a spiky puffer fish,and I screamed!!! I would always cry when I saw the fish die,as they seemed to struggle. My dad used to love telling the tale about my Puffer fish!!!,And also of my genuine tears of sadness when I realised the fish caught had to die.....
I HATE fishing,and I suppose that the early experiences are most likely to blame! I would far prefer to relax by reading a book!!
Here we go again. Although I was an adult when I was first taken fishing . . . I hate it, couldn't take the fish off the line and was so upset about them dying I have never done it again:((
by Rice
I am just astounded!! I must now ask this,and I think I already know what your answer shall be! Were you,by any chance,born in England,as I myself was?
by Jules
Yes, quite a few times over the years.
I love it but find now I feel sorry for the fish, they are entitled to live on this planet too
I am a hypocrite though as 'still eat fish!"
by Fran
I have

I do

I did
I hate fishing and being an empathetic vegetarian I cannot stand the idea of whacking a carp (the only thing anyone seems to catch where we camp) over the head just because of it's breed.
I have never been fishing
by AJ
You haven't lived!

by jonaja
I find the idea of catching something, causing it distress then just throwing it back....... quite odd. I can't see the point of it nor any justification for it. Fishing for food is different, that I understand. However I don't really enjoy eating fish so I would never go fishing!
I went fishing something like three years ago. Not with a rod, just some fishing wire. It was fun, but only because we released the fish back into the ocean. I suppose it would have been ok if we ate them, but I'm not into fishing for the sole purpose of catching fish.
by Vee
Just love fishing!

Used to go with another couple who had big boat & really enjoy catching beautiful fresh fish!

One day, when Tailor were 'running', among the four of us, we caught 68!
We were able to take many of these home, already scaled, gutted & filleted, to the freezer. So had fillets whenever we decided on a 'fish dish'!
Much fun & sunburn was enjoyed!
I went finishing before but I didn't really like it. It's kinda boring for me.
LOVE fishing! Very zen-like experience.
I love fishing, unless - i take someone with me and they can't shut up. An awful lot of people can't fish and shut up at the same time.
It just ruins the experience. I don't know why people think that they are asked along to fish, and misunderstand that invitation to mean that you are asked along to talk to a captive audience. People need to take a back step and have a think about the invitation and what it entails !
Yes and no. Poor little fish. (I was the only one that caught anything, as dumb luck would have it.)
by Rice
Never done it and never wanted to.
I have been fishing, we went to a trout farm when our son was young, and we did enjoy it. We have also been crabbing, now thats really fun, the only part I don't like is if you have to walk through the mud and slush, or when a crab goes for the toe, that's a real screamer!
I've never been fishing, My husband has been about 4 times, within walking distance from where we live, but didn't catch any fish.
by Miro
The only time I went fishing I hooked the rowboat I was in so gave that up. I love fish and my husband used to fish so had made a custom built beach rod for him. Best feast we had was when he caught a shovel nosed shark when on holiday with friends one year. We had to tell the kids it was bream he caught otherwise the thought of eating shark would have prevented them enjoying a freshly cooked breakfast.
yes might put bait on one day so answer dont catch many fish
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