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Have you ever given a baby up for adoption?

by Polly (follow)
Yankee Doodle Dandy
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Photo of a baby.
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Have you ever given a baby up for adoption?

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No I haven't but I have adopted one!
by Finy
What was the process in Australia? Did you adopt a newborn? Did you have to go to another country?
by Polly
Never had a child; I don't want kids ever, but if I did have one, I don't think I could put it up for adoption.
When I was 42 years old, I became pregnant with a man I had been dating for three years even though the doctors said I couldn't become pregnant 15 years prior. I was very sick and waiting for disability (took three years) had no income and was on a daily battle with not becoming homeless since I had given custody of my 15 year old son to my ex-husband after a terrible divorce so I received no financial support. I gave up my son for three years to my ex-husband because I just couldn't put my son through the turbulence in my life at the time and I had to get my disease under control.

The doctors told me that having the baby would probably kill me (I have Addison's Disease, which is a rare adrenal disorder.) Since the son that I had raised turned out so perfect and smart, I decided that I just couldn't have an abortion and if it wasn't meant to be, I would have a miscarriage.

So I found a married woman my own age through a mutual friend that couldn't carry a child to term (she had had a still birth the previous year in the ninth month.) Her family adopted Emma who is now five years old.

When I gave birth, her family and my family were all at the hospital and it was a wonderful joyous experience. When Emma gets older, she will know that I loved her enough to give her up. I could barely take care of myself at that point in my life.

I am proud of my decision. Emma is happy, healthy, and doing great with her family. I can look at myself in the mirror without any guilt. My parents can see their grandchild and do quite often and so do I.
What a brave and generous act Polly. In Australia we cannot arrange adoptions and I think that is a pity.
by annfi
Indeed your so brave and have given others a great joy! bless you xxx :)
by jonaja
Thanks for the compliment. I was blessed to find a local family. What a shame they don't allow that in Australia. I think it is best for the child to know who the birth parents are. Otherwise they will always wonder and feel abandoned.
by Polly
Good on you, Polly.
by Vee
No,I have not adopted baby but I like babies.When I was small I played a lot with babies.
No, I haven't. It would be terribly hard.
No, I haven't. No, I couldn't. I could never have an abortion either. It must be the worst feeling in the world to give a child up. Yes, I know, this does not gel with my answer to "Do You Love Children". That's life.
by Rice
Rice, this is one of those situations you really have no idea what you would do unless it actually happened to you. I am sure you would do the best for the child.
by Polly
I admire your decision Polly, you did a wonderful thing. I was answering in a "perfect world" scenario. I would give a child up to a better life if that was the case. My m-i-l tried to push me to have an abortion . . . . she failed.
by Rice
Good for you, Rice. I couldn't do it either. Somebody close to me did. She didn't even understand why it was offered to her nor what it entailed. To this day, I don't think she understands...perhaps it's better that way.
by Vee
I raised my son and he is wonderful. I did a fantastic job. He is in college now and studying to be a rocket scientist. He is getting his doctorates in physics and mathematics. I know how much work it takes and I knew when I was sick at age 42 that I just couldn't do it again. I could barely take care of myself. I just wanted to do what was best for my daughter, and that was giving her up. Abortion was not an option for me.
by Polly
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