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Have you ever gambled at a Casino?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever gambled on anything at a casino (not counting online games).

#Poker machines
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Yes I sure have!
My parents used to go to the "Clubs" all the time and actually used to joke that I must have been swapped at birth as I was not interested.

I have been to Monte Carlo which was exciting and have to been to the Perth one on several occasions, including once when my Mother came over to visit from Sydney.

I had a friend who used to go there a lot and while I was going out with him, I sometimes went with him and he taught me how to play at the tables.

I have not been for a while now though.
by Finy
No I don't gamble period.
Absolutely not....
What a waste of money,and really it is only for the very rich.
And foolish.
one of the few times I have to disagree with you Jonaj -to each his own -my parents certainly were not rich or foolish! They were quite old, and really enjoyed gambling and spending time doing this, so I in no way consider it foolish if you enjoy it. That is like saying drinking is foolish....
by Finy
Yep we have to disagree on this one Finy.
by jonaja
No I don't gamble period.
No, I've never been to a casino. The closest too, it playing Bingo at the sea side, or one of those machines where you drop a penny into a machine full of other coins and try to get them to be shoved off the edge.
Yes I hve but it really doesn't interest me....go approx. twice a year with a friend who is addicted....when we go to eat there...I follow her around like a puppy trying to look interested...
by fran
I did once when was first married as I was given some casino chips when at a dinner. I am just not interested at all,and the atmosphere does nothing for me. would rather read a book!!! LOL
Read a book LOL

Yeah me too.
by meggf
I haven't, no. It really isn't my sort of thing. I guess I should try it one day, but there are other things I want to do first.
Like Read a Book?!!!! Oh Megg,I was SO happy to see by your reply to MY answer that there are others in this crazy world who also like to read !!! My son sometimes goes to the casino,but when he has had a decent win he has given it to me for the aealectricity bill or similar!!! I do not want to know about his losses!! Ha ha ha!!!
by Jules
I have been to casinos but I have never gambled at any of them
by AJ
Only time I've been in a Casino was 'the Golden Nugget' in Las Vegas, as you do!

I played at a pokie, inputting USD6 & it returned USD28! I stopped at that point & haven't stepped inside one since & that was 42years' ago!
It doesn't interest one iota, same as smoking.

Ha! Last of the 'big spenders' was me!
Yes. I walked into 1 in Monte Carlo, in 1968, just to have a look. In 1988, we were in Vegas, where I wasted away $10, In The Star, in Sydney, NSW, I’ve spent about $5. On the cruise ships, One sometimes has to walk through a casino, to get from A to B. I’ve only spent $1 on 11 cruises!!
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