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Have you ever frozen fresh spinach?

by Vee (follow)
Food (698)      Cooking (175)      Food Preservation (1)     

frozen spinach
Frozen spinach by 3268zauber via https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5687725.

Have you ever frozen fresh spinach?

#Food Preservation
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Isn't "fresh frozen" an oxymoron? No, I never have but I'd be happy to.
I have never even thought of doing this. I prefer to buy my spinach fresh from the green grocer, and eat it, or put it in my meals immediately.
My wife washes it, cuts it up and freezes.
No I haven't it is not something I would really want to do, I LOVE it in it normal state :)
No, but I buy it at the grocery store all the time. Great to add to scrambled eggs.
I haven't but if I did I would certainly wash it better than they do for store bought. I always find grit in it :(
by Rice
Yes we freeze it. We grow or own and there is always surplus. We put it in the food processor and then into take away containers. When we want to use, thaw and squeeze excess fluid out with the back of a spoon, mix in sour cream and you've a tasty dish. We also do the Dutch boerekool way of mixing it in the mashed potato.
I like the sour cream idea. Is that all you do to make it?
by Vee
Hi Vee. Yes, just add sour cream. Naturally it's to your taste as to how much sour cream you add. All the family, including grandchildren love it this way. You can season it with salt and pepper if you wish but that's a personal preference.
by helga
No, but only because i don't grow it. I grow lots of silver beet because I like it more than spinach, much earthier than spinach. I do, when I have a glut of silver beet, blanch it and then freeze it.
I love it, no water just a bit of olive oil and high heat…….maybe a sprinkle of salt. Whole bunch not a problem to me, I can eat the whole bunch in one sitting !!!!!
We used to grow silverbeet, but I find spinach easier to wash. Call me lazy! LOL. I enjoy them both though. I do my silverbeet with butter, garlic, and salt. Delicious.
by Vee
I'm no 'Popeye', so won't eat it in any form!
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