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Have you ever forgotten you were boiling an egg, and it boiled dry?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever forgotten you were boiling eggs, and they burnt dry in the saucepan?

#Burnt eggs
#Boil dry
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I have done this a few times in my life.

I now set the clock each time I boil an egg as if it is a hard boiled one, I usually go away and "play" on my computer while it is boiling -get carried away and this is when it happens.

Once I even went next door and forgot. I had to throw the saucepan out after that and was lucky it didnt somehow cause a fire.

I have done it a while ago and it had just boiled dry when I smellt the egg burning! So that time I save my pot. I also now use cheap pots for boiling eggs!
by Finy
No, haven't managed to do this...........yet! Lol!
Oh dear. LOL. No, never. I always set the timer for eggs. However, this question has now made me decide on a boiled egg for brunch =)
by Rice
You mean where the pan boils dry, and the eggs explode and reach the kitchen ceiling above the stove top?

No ....No idea what you are talking about!!!!
well, in that case I am lucky as mine dont explode -if they are hard boiled how can they explode -mine were burnt?
by Finy
well mine did and my husband was not amused some of them were on the kitchen ceiling, and I got a dirty look....too!
by jonaja
Thankfully no burnt or exploding eggs for me. I sometimes forget the eggs are boiling away however, as I only ever eat super hard boiled eggs it's not too much of a nuisance. I also place quite a bit of water in the saucepan - so even if I forget for 5 or so minutes there is still a significant amount of water that needs to evaporate.
No I have never done this
by AJ
No, never. I've accidentally let some crack and burst while boiling but that's about it.
Hasn't happened to me before! I like my eggs soft, so I always keep an eye out on the stove when I'm boiling eggs!
No. Thank goodness. I would have thought I would smell that burning smell and that would alert me. Our neighbours l eft some water boiling on the stove and my son saw the smoke. He was probably only about 8 or 9. He called triple 0. Neighbours had gone OUT somewhere. My son was a local hero and was in the newspaper firemen had to break in. Big lesson for them is never go far away if there is something on the stove.
This has happened to me ,but it was MANY moons ago when I was in my teens!! My dad always told me I must learn by my mistakes,and I certainly did with this one!!! I found out in my 20's that I have an allergy to eggs,so now this NEVER happens!
Yes, I did that once many years ago when I was newly married. My husband never let me forget it! Just completely forgot they were on the stove.
No, never. When I'm boiling a couple of eggs, I'm hungry enough to keep an eye on them!
Yes. I forget about them and start doing something else .... until an awful smell reaches me at the computer, or a loud BANG goes off. Once iin a while, I will hear the high-pitched squeal of steam releasing just before the BANG. "How to kill a saucepan" is the name of the game.
I have eaten a 2.5 hr egg: Peel, rinse, cut away any burned bits, mash well with S&P, mayo & curry powder. Mostly it's alright. However, the exploding ones go OUTSIDE asap and into the bin.
Never. I don't think I've even thought about what would happen to an egg if it was left on the stove for too long.
by Vee
five eggs boiling away, new baby, husband comes home and reminds me we are going out,rush out the door........
several hours later; return home, parents have entered house and found eggs all over the ceiling, walls and kitchen cupboards and CLEANED IT ALL UP.
leaving eggs on stove - no problem. p.s. the saucepan was dead,parents are heroes.
I don't recall ever doing this.
by Gia
Not an egg, but this happened when I was sterilising some baby bottles when my daughter was small. Thankfully it had only just gone dry so everything was salvageable.
Has someone hidden a camera in my kitchen? I did this for the first time ever last week. The pop, the smell, the mess. Thankfully it was a good quality saucepan and with a heap of salt in the water to soak and steel wool to clean off the blackened bits, it didn't scrub up too badly.
Helga, I use bi-carb soda a lot, sprinkled over the bottom of badly burnt saucepans. leave for a few days if possible & or out in the sun. This has always worked for me.
by Miro
Thanks for the tip Miro. Hopefully it won't happen again. I recall mum used to use the carb soda for lots of uses when we were growing up.
by helga
yes I have done this, now only use a cheap saucepan to boil eggs.
yes I have done this, now only use a cheap saucepan to boil eggs.
No, I've never done this with an egg, but that's probably because I don't boil eggs. If I'm having an egg, I'll have an egg & bacon sandwich w& sometimes I'll add sweet chilli sauce. Yummy.
by Miro
No I haven't done this yet. My brother forgot he was boiling a tin of condensed milk to make caramel once....it exploded and we were finding sticky caramel in unimaginable places for months. Thankfully no one walked in at the wrong moment.
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THE EGG - a food rich in many nutrients and protein
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