Have you ever felt depressed for no real reason?
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Define "no real reason".... a lot of people with depression have lives that seem from the outside to be complete with no reason for depression. It doesn't make it any less real and it makes it a lot harder to cope with if other people are constantly telling you that you shouldn't be depressed. It's like telling someone they have no real reason for having cancer or a heart attack or a broken leg. There will be a reason, it's just not necessarily apparent.
The answer to your question, by the way, is yes.
define no reason Verity -i mean suddenly you feel depressed -nothing has happened out of the ordinary -the day was going fine, and out of nowhere comes this feeling, and for no apparent reason known to one self....does that answer?
Yes, this has certainly happened to me.
I seem to get over this fairly quickly however -especially when I do not have a specific reason for it.
I always get annoyed when I feel like this, as I want to have at least a reason, if I am going to feel depressed or sad!
Sometimes. I have, however, suffered from depression and anxiety for large parts of my adult life - sometimes I just feel like maybe my brain chemistry is still a little out of balance which is likely what is causing my sudden mood swings. Combined with a total lack of sleep that can make the tiniest thing seem huge and put me into a very difficult and irreversible depression very quickly.
there is something wrong with ME!!! I never go into a total funk for no reason.
I guess I really must be the very positive person my whole medical team keep on telling me I am!! I see pleasure in the simplest things and when I do feel flat there is ALWAYS a good reason. Maybe it due to my having suffered major illness all of my life,that I have made a conscious choice to always see my cup as half full,rather than half empty;and also to find things to make me smile,and laugh!! Life is so short when we really consider our time here on earth,so we should try to make the most of every moment!! Every day that I wake,is a GOOD day!!
No;.....there is always a reason otherwise I am usually a happy chappy
Yes, I think everyone feels like this at some stage or another. I know I have every once in a while and it can be quite frustrating, however when you dig deeper you usually work out the reason behind it.
Noooo .... I always have a good reason LOL This last 11 months has been HARD here with the eating disorder in full force and all.
I have probably thought there was no reason - but then looking back I figure out what the reason was. I try not to dwell on anything for too long and find the fastest way possible out of a slump
If I get depressed, something has caused it.
II believe we would need a cause to cause the reaction to depression.
I think everyone feels down every once in a while, it's only natural.
Sometime. Having suffered depression for many years I recognise the path I am travelling and make an effort to improve the situation. This may be my own will, or with the help of another person, depends how far down this path I've gone.
Yes I have, and I don;t know why? and I don't like to feel this way.
Yes. I think that is one of the definitions of depression- sadness without a reason. There is a difference between depression and normal feelings of feeling sad. Everyone experiences ups and downs in life and periods of grief where they feel sad, but everyone doesn't suffer from depression. It would be good if people stopped overusing the word. Depression is not a choice or having a negative attitude but can be from having a chemical imbalance.
Yes I have, and it's frustrating.
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