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Have you ever felt alone?

by Xarah (follow)
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I know we all get this feeling from time to time - have you ever felt like you're alone - like there's no one out there who's got your back - like you're an alien in your own bubble?

How do you counteract this feeling? How do you make yourself feel better when life brings you down?

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Yes, I have felt like this however I now know that for me, this feeling will pass, so I do not try to counteract it.

by Finy
I have a stretch of days where I feel so empty and alone and no matter what I do to counteract those emotions, they get the better of me- so much so that I end up losing concentration to work on my uni assignments :( It's so frustrating!
by Xarah
Xarah, as long as you have checked that you do not have a chemical imbalance, I don't know if there is anything you can do. You know it will pass however when it happens to me it is not so long, and I am retired so I do not need to concentrate if I dont want to -is different if you are working or studying.
by Finy
Yes...however I realise that sometimes you may feel alone but you are not necessary lonely..because there are tons of people around you.
Been there...many many times.
Where no one was there for me, and my 5 month old baby.(21 years ago).

I mean I had NO ONE at all in my life.No family Nothing at all.

For me, I just had to make a choice (now this is just what I did) o.k.
I would have gone under otherwise,and I had a small baby.

I found a Salvation Army in my area.
What happened after that was nothing short of amazing.

Within a few months, I had so much support it was amazing!, I went to church every week...had friends-fun-and no longer despair.

They taught me that we are not alone, and that there is hope...that stayed with me for the last 21 years.

They are an amazing bunch of people.

I now never forget what they taught me, and am happy and not alone(even when I am alone).I found the real keys to not getting into that feeling I once did when as you say 'there is no one who has your back'.
You are never alone, but people just have not been taught 'how' to open that door.
Does it really work!....Oh Yes, big time.!!!!

For me that is what I had to do, or go totally under, and I would not have come through if it was not for them.

They became my friends and with some yes, even family.
I use every time I'm down what they taught me, to be happy.
This is my experience.

Yes, I had been through this feeling. I think when anyone feels alone visiting place of worship would give some solace. I try to evaluate my life in my own mind and maybe give a good cry for feeling alone. I try to resolve the reason for being lost and choose to be positive. I think time will heal the feeling of being alone.
No I never had such feelings.
Since my husband died I have had the feeling of "aloneness" quite a lot. Even when with friends, and surrounded by people you know, it is weird how that feeling can persist. My husband and I were together for over 50 years, since we were in our teens and I think when one partner dies the other doesn't feel "whole". That's the only way I can describe it. You just get on with life and enjoy the company of family and friends but that feeling is always there.
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