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Have you ever experienced an earthquake?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Nature (53)      Fear (29)      Earthquake (1)     

1906_San_Francisco_earthquake_seismograph By Pekachu (USGS pages , USGS page) , via Wikimedia Commons
1906 San Francisco earthquake seismograph (Image by Pekachu - USGS pages 1, USGS page - Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Have you ever felt the ground move in an earthquake? Where were you and how bad was it?

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Yes, couple of times in past. I once woke up because my bed started shaking and I was terrified !
by BK
As an expat living in various countries through out Asia , I have experienced many earthquakes. Thank God, none have been devastating.
The experience is surreal, taking precious moments for the mind to register what is actually happening. The most recent experience I was at home in our apartment on the 26 floor. The tower swayed like a theme park ride and I slid across the marble floor , loose objects fell and paintings were askew on the wall. The safety drill requires all residents to evacuate and assemble in the parkland..I didn't comply in this instance ,as the prospect of descending 26 flights of stairs with panicking residents AND the thought of ascending the 26 flights after the all clear had been sounded ( still in my bathrobe) was less appealing than being crushed by falling walls! ...I chose to be crushed in the comfort of my apartment rather than being crushed or trampled in the stairwell .

I felt the Newcastle earthquake. Only very slightly though.

I did in Los Angeles about 25 yrs ago...I slept through one years before...I did feel it....but thought it was a dream.

The second 25 years ago in LA was not big, but when you see houses move!! you do panic.

I could not imagine what something like a 4 or 5 or Bigger!!! could be like....wow.

I've felt a couple in Melbourne but only mildly. One sounded like a train coming and the window made a sound like it was cracking, although it didn't. I can only imagine how frightening it would be to experience one where the ground you stood on was moving.
Same. One that the epicentre was in Gippsland area, I felt as a 'bang' in Seaford where I lived at the time. It was interesting to get online and see among my friends, who felt/heard something and who didn't.

Years ago when my mum lived in Berwick, she was in bed when a similar thing came and described feeling like the bed was being tipped up.
by amanda
Oh wow, another earthquake in the Melbourne area last night. The rumble woke me and I wondered what it was util the windows made a noise like they were about to crack. 2.7 on the scale, not much thankfully, and I believe the epicentre was 10 kms under Pakenham.
Yes! We were on a family holiday in Wales and had gone to a concert by the local male voice choir. We were sitting there enjoying the singing when the hall started shaking and we all thought "Blimey, they must be singing really loudly if they can rattle the walls!".
We didn't find out it was actually an earthquake until we read the newspapers the next morning!
It was added to our family funny anecdotes and told (with full details and silly accents) a lot in the years afterwards :)
Yes, there was a large one in Meckering in Western Australia about 40 years ago -and I remember thinking, odd that the toilet weater is moving up and down.

Then i started feeling giddy and thought I was going to faint so went and lay down as thought there was something wrong with me!

I did not realise it was an earthquake though in hinesight, I have not seen the sky so black and the air so still just before it.
I remember feeling worried as I had one baby in a cot anbd one child in a bed and I thought if they cried and I was unconscious what would happen!
by Finy
I'm currently visiting India....and I just did three days ago! Just a bit of minor shaking where I was, though....fortunately!
Yes - a 7.0 when I was visiting my sister in California. Was a pretty scary experience with the whole house shaking and big craters opening up in the road outside. To top it off there is always an aftershock which can be just as powerful as the original earthquake.
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