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Have you ever entered a room and forgotten why you went in?

by dwatk (follow)
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Source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Have you ever entered a room to either find or do something but forgotten the reason for entering once you got there?

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More often than I care to admit. I keep getting sidetracked & then forget the point of going into that room in the first place. Too much going on in my head. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
All the time.

I think it is when we have more than one thing going on, in our brain!

I have to go out, and then remember (if I'm lucky!).
Then try again.

If it has gone, I stand there for say a minute....no luck
Oh! well down to bad luck :)....lol....lol
This has occurred so frequently in recent times, that I am beginning to be concerned. I've been extremely busy, so I hope that's the cause.
All the time.
All the time, then I re-trace my steps to jog my memory!
by Lucy
Yes. This hasn't happened in a while, but it does.
by Vee
This happens to me a lot in times of great stress!
Oh yes of course -doesnt anyone over about 55 years old do this?

At first I thought I had a bit of dementia, however on speaking to others, I realise many people have this.

I find it SO frustrating to walk into a room and stand there stupidly thinking, why did I go in there!
by Finy
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