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Have you ever eaten white radish?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever eaten white radish?

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I grow it in my vegetable area, and the photo is mine though it does not really show how big it is!
At the moment I have about 8 and don't know what to do with them having eaten them in all different ways.
They are really nice and I have them on sandwiches mostly, and I believe they are nice, sliced with meat.

They grew from an Eden seed and I do little to them - have not fertilised apart from a bit of worm juice.

I don't think they are quite as "sharp" as the red ones are sometimes, and because I grow them myself, they have had no chemicals put in the ground to stop bugs.

Well worth planting if you have a family who would eat them...I believe they are good in soups also, and think they are sometimes called Asian radish?
by Finy
Yes. My parents used to grow them. Nice in salads finely sliced.
No. I have never seen one of those before.
No; I’ve never seen a radish like that before. I’m not actually keen on radishes anyway.
Possibly . . . I may have encountered it in food I wasn't aware of . . sushi perhaps?
by Rice
I'm with Rice on this one!
by jonaja
Hurrah for unity!! Heehee.
by Rice
No. I have not eaten white raddish before.
I don't know if I have eaten this radish, I only know the little round red ones and I don't eat a lot of them. Maybe this one is a daikon or spelling similar to this. Might be in asian recipes and I don't recognise what I am eating.
by Miro
I'm sure I have, but I couldn't tell you how
No I don't think so
by AJ
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