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Have you ever eaten smoked fish?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikipedia

Have you ever eaten smoked fish?

#Smoked fish
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I love smoked fish - in fact I love most things that have been smoked including salmon.

Smoked fish is very expensive and I consider it a delicacy and very occasionally buy it - perhaps it is a European thing as my mother used to have it regularly and they were European?
by Finy
Yes it is a popular thing on European menus and it is something they would have been brought up to eat.
by Lluxi
Just as well that poor fish is dead, Finy, it looks like a Frankenfish.
by Rice
No, I'd much rather eat fresh fish
Smoked cod with white sauce and mashed potatoes - yum.
by maria
Hahaha!! Yes . . . yesterday I had kippers for lunch. For some reason I was still tasting them at midnight. Never had that happen before. I am not a fish eater but grew up on kippers and smoked cod . . . could be the reason I don't like plain fish.
by Rice
I don't like anything that has been smoked, whether it be meat or salmon, or other fish. I don't like the taste at all
Once but not a fan, have to say...Was very popular in England when I was a child.

I remember thinking, noooooo! do not give it too me, please-please... :(
Yes. I have had lots of different types of smoked fish. I really like smoked fish
by AJ
No, just salmon. But I'm not really a fan of smoked salmon. My husband loves it.
Yes I eat smoked fish. I enjoy smoked food. I find that it is another way to eat the omega 3 fat we are recommended.
I have a mainly vegetarian diet but do eat a bit of seafood and try to choose oily fish.
no and do not wish to, years ago in my working days one of our workmates would cook his smoked fish for lunch the smell from this filled the lunchroom and put everyone off their lunch. and of course ever eating smoked fish
Absolutely. Such a delicious flavour.. however the rest of my house dont agree!
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