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Have you ever eaten sago pudding?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Sago pudding with salted caramel sauce

Have you ever eaten sago pudding?

Check this recipe out.

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I had probably made it just once before I made this recipe.

It was rather delicious and something I would make again.

Sage by itself however, without the caramel coconut sauce, although it has a nice consistency, needs to have something added as it has little taste.

I still have a lot left over from when I made this recipe, so will possibly use it again and make up a different sauce.
by Finy
I think maybe at one function, yes I may have had it.
I do know that I have no bad memories! so that's a good thing-right? :)
No, I haven't. My mother used to mention it when talking to her friends, so I suppose she had it as a child.
I don't know what this is, so I don't think I've ever eaten it.
by Vee
I've never heard of this type of pudding before and neither does it look familiar. I've never had it.
Yes. Mother made it all the time in England. We used to laugh and say it looked like frog spawn. (It really does.) Sago and tapioca are similar but sago is smaller "balls" where tapioca is more like pearls.
by Rice
Yes and it is a very nice dessert as is tapioca and rice puddings.
Bake in the oven slowly - beautiful.
Mum used to make lemon sago.We loved it. I made orange sago and milky sago for my kids regularly. Bland comfort food
That's a good word for it - bland! The caramel sauce fixed that!!
by Finy
Used to have it often as a child. I recall mum often serving it with stewed quinces. I prefer tapioca though even though I have it in my pantry, I haven't got around to making it for a while.
I have eaten this.....whenever I have been in hospital on a restricted diet. I must say that I am not at all fond of the texture,so whatever delicious sauce is served with it to add flavour,just never seems to turn it into a dish which does anything much for me. I would prefer to just have the sauce!! Hee Hee Hee!!!!
Ive only tasted sago while I was in hospital. It tasted quite nice. The picture of sago pudding looks nice and I might give it a try.
I have and I love it! My grand mother used to make a dessert with sago, palm sugar and coconut milk. Yummy!
yes, many times love it
it was known as frogs eggs when we had this as children

they have sago more in Bubble Tea and Taiwanese eateries rather than in Western culture..try checking out your local Korean or Taiwanese place that probably has sago..!

Yuk - reminds me of school dinners - we used to call it frog spawn.
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