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Have you ever eaten Oysters Kilpatrick?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia.Commmons

Have you ever had oysters Kilpatrick?

#Cooked oysters
#Oysters Kilpatrick
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Yes I have and I love them.
I have actually even made them myself once and they are delicious.
But I love most seafood and love oysters done any way.
by Finy
I think so back in the 70's.

I like my Oysters 'a-la-naturale''.

With one of those little round things they sometimes come with. :)
Hahaha. Wouldn't that be lovely.
by annfi
Oh! yes please lol...lol :)
by jonaja
OH yes.......love them !!!! Haven't had them for a while though.
I have.
I much prefer it to raw oysters.
I love both ways!
by Finy
I have never had oysters. 😩
😩 I never want to have another.
by Rice
I love them but to me they are the "cop out" way to eat oysters for those who don't actually enjoy them.

I prefer oysters with as little done to them as possible - perhaps some rock salt and lemon juice.

And I chew them too - don't just throw them down the hatch.
That's the only way to eat them.
by helga
Nope. I feel sorry for the poor oysters, getting ripped alive out of their shells. Kilpatrick doesn't make me feel any better about it.
by Rice
So much for my photo :((
by Rice
You had a picture of a giant booger. Am I right? Haha!
by Vee
Oh!!! Too funny, girls!!! Thanks for sharing my own wicked thought!!!
by Jules
;-D I'm just glad I'm not the only one, Jules. LOL!
by Vee
No. I've never eaten oysters. It may be juvenile, but they make me think of giant boogers...Dirty Bertie!
by Vee
You are soooo right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Rice
It certainly would be hard to tell the difference. 00 . . . . . euwwww
by Rice
I've eaten them all ways and make my own dressings but prefer them as they come. I don't like eating out where restaurants serve Pacific oysters, usually hidden under the mornay and kilpatrick toppings as my preference is for Sydney rock oysters.
I have never liked oysters in any way, shape or form!!! But being allergic to them most likely started this dislike of them, as I knew I would become extremely ill if I ate them at all!! I can also relate to Vee's reply to this question as we would say the most ghastly things about what oysters reminded us of in the 70's when I was still in my teens!! Oysters are very popular up here in Nth Qld and many of my friends have collected their own when out on the islands! The only thing which I can say I really ever appreciate about oysters is the manufacture of gorgeous pearls which certain species do so brilliantly!! There is something very magical about pearls!! Especially the very rare NATURAL ones!!
I don't like oysters
by AJ
I have oysters kilpatrick. I've even resorted to smoked oysters on crackers. I just love oysters full stop.
But I must say I love them just cold, natural and a tiny drop of lemon juice or just black pepper. I also love lots of people reporting that they hate them, because I think that if sales drop, then I could afford oysters whenever I want them…….just dreaming
Yes! Luv 'em!
I'll eat oysters' any which way!

Have eaten them in many different Countries', but I think our own 'Coffin Bay's' are THE best!
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