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Have you ever eaten at a sushi train or sushi conveyor belt restaurant?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever eaten at a sushi train or conveyor belt sushi restaurant or cafe?

What did you think of it?

#Sushi train
#Sushi conveyor belt cafe
#Sushi restaurant
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I love sushi train style dining. My favourites are Sushi Railway at Stones Corner in Brisbane and Sushi Ave. in Surfers Paradise.
Sushi is the ultimate 'fast food' with options for vegetarians, gluten free and children (or fussy eaters!). Because you see it being made you know it's fresh and can request your favourites.
Oddly, some people think sushi is raw fish - and fresh raw fish is an option (the salmon is great) but the variety available is huge - avocado and chicken, egg, cucumber ... all delicious! Most sushi places also offer a range of hot options.
I eat regularly at a sushi train and I love it.

There are so many around now that we have a good choice.

You can eat as slow or as fast as you want, and I like the casual atmosphere of these places.
by Finy
Are you in Perth Finy? Which restaurants do you go to?
I went to one in Morley the other day at Coventrys. It was quite good, but I also go to Jaws in the City and now in a few shopping Centres.
The VERY VERY best sushi place in Perth is not a train but very unusual ingredients and fabulous -in Mt Lawley -let me know if you want names
by Finy
Yes, I went to one when we were on holiday in Melbourne. Though it seemed to work out quite expensive for my family of five!
Check out their special deals. Our local does all $3 plates on Sunday & Monday evenings so we often go then.
I have not eaten at any of these here in Townsvile,though they are always very busy which is a great sign! I do love sushi,but usually make it myself!
I've never once eaten at sushi train or similar.
They look fun, but I follow a pretty strict vegetarian diet so I don't eat out much.
Not a big fan of sushi. But I do remember a restaurant where the desserts would come out on a conveyor belt. It was heavenly.
I have been to a sushi restaurant but I have never been to one with the conveyor belt
by AJ
This is something I have never done but in a way would like to....the fact that I don't like sushi is probably why I haven't, however I believe there are a lot of other little delicacies on offer and the whole experience fascinates me
by Fran
We used to all the time but now with the kids it's too $$ - we're looking at about $140 for dinner! The kids loved it tho!
Yes, but I don't like them because I can't eat a lot of things that are often used in sushi and it's hard to tell by looking at it what it contains.
YUK! No way, I can't stand sushi. Don't get what all the fuss is about.
No not at all.
It is an interesting idea but I feel the health risks would stop me from doing it again.
Eating at sushi train is super fun - they have so many dishes to choose from - not just sushi, but also dumplings, soup, vegetarian, etc. I like making my own soy sauce dipping concotion with wasabi and pickled ginger!
by Lucy
yes I love NOBU the food is delicous it's our favourite restaurent
No. And won't either. How do you know if someone's already touched, sneezed over, coughed over said food? You don't.

With all the 'bugs' around, & mutating to a point there's 'no cure', I'll give it a miss.
Same goes for any dining place that have the 'supposed' sneeze plastic cover 'protectors'.
No, and I never will. Hate sushi !!!
Yes it was fun. I went with my mother & younger daughter to a sushi conveyor belt, restaurant in Oxford St; Paddington, Sydney. Au There is also a sushi train restaurant/cafe in the next superb to where we live, but we haven't tried it yet. It's been there for about 10 years by now I would think!
by Miro
I haven't....and maybe I won't, don't like the idea the food is exposed by others there...
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