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Have you ever cried in a movie?

by chipp (follow)
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There are some of movies that really tug on the heart strings. Have you ever cried in a movie? If so, which movie?

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Only once. It was an animation, but there were some sad bits that I could not help but to cry.
Well I have, but not that many.
I did just cry a few weeks ago, because something was said in the movie....that
just touched me very much.
It takes a lot to make me cry in the movies.But 'Gravity' did.
The first movie I ever cried in was Dumbo. I still cry in that movie, so I prefer not to watch it.
I found the movie - Two Brothers - very very sad! Definitely cried in that! :(
Yes, I am a sucker for emotional movies and I tend to shed tears.
I didn't cry during 'The Stoning of Soraya M' or 'The Passion of the Christ', I wailed. Neither of these films are for the faint hearted.
by Vee
All the time - I see a lot of Asian cinema and they're the kings of manipulation - action movies will have a scene that makes you sob.
Last Tycoon has a few scenes and Shaolin has a tear jerker moment...
A couple of times, yet for the life of me I cannot remember which film.
The very first time I have ever cried in a movie (and never have since) was when I saw the movie "Marley and Me", during the part where they had the poor dog put down. The imagery and camera angles made it so moving because they even did close-ups on its eyes as it fell asleep. Ooh, it still almost brings a tear to my eye to this day!
Yes I have cried in many movies having emotional scenes.
Erm, yes, I've cried at a lot of movies. Whoops.
Especially those that involve parent-child relationships, pets dying, and alllllll Korean dramas. I cried a lot during Studio Ghibli's Grave of The Fireflies, a war-themed animation that definitely wasn't made for children.
Have you ever seen Big Fish or About Time? Both of those are gut wrenching.
All the time , too may to mention.

by Zen
yes, especially if I am alone as i have all my attention focused on it. I'm not a cry baby but I love movies that move me :)
I have cried during a number of movies. I don't cry easily about events in my life but a sentimental movie will make me shed tears. However, many many years ago I went to the movies and didn't have a hanky or tissues. It was 'Love Story'. I had to think of something else at all the sad bits. I still remember listening to lots of people taking a big gasp and crying in unison and it was sort of funny because I wasn't crying!
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