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Have you ever cooked a Jamie Oliver 15 Minute Meal in 15 minutes?

by Finy (follow)
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Jamie Oliver has the show on cooking a meal in 15 minutes and says it is so easy and quick.

Have you ever tried any of these recipes, and were you able to do it in 15 minutes?

#Jamie Oliver
#Jamie Oliver 15 minute meals
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I have tried a few and it certainly took more than 15 minutes.

I do not know if it is me, but dont think so -15 minutes is a very short time for a good recipe -most of mine take around 30 minutes so I do not know if it is possible.
by Finy
It can be done, as long as it's not a roast chicken or leg of Lamb? ...lol
by jonaja
You can't. Jamie has all his ingredients right in front of him, and knows exactly what he is doing. He also doesn't have to do the washing up or contend with other family members in the kitchen.
One Can cook a meal for folk in 15 mins.
I know....I have been doing it for years and years.
But then again, I did have great teachers, before getting married.
by jonaja
These celebrity chefs have every item they need at their fingertips so this is why they can do things so very quickly!! I am not into making meals I have seen these chefs make.I prefer to create my own!
I use to work in the industry, so making a meal in 15 mins has always been something I can do.With 3 very hungry sons, it was never an option.
The key is to have the right foods at home...
The key is to have 'minions' pre-prepare EVERYTHING, so the 'cook' is only doing the 'main thing'!
by donjo
LOL that's true in his case (maybe)....?
by jonaja
No....find this question a little 'pedantic' who cares how long it takes...not me but prob cause I don't cook much!
by Fran
LOL......I take it you may not have a all male house, mine was full of them....and when hungry(which may I say happens a lot to males) well they become noisy.
Making quick nice food, just had to happen in our home.Still have one male 22 yr old at home, and even all those years later! he growls like a bear, if hungry.LOL.
by jonaja
You are right...I live alone...had a giggle at your note though!!
by Fran
I have never tried to cook one
by AJ
I've never attempted to do this. I'm slow in the kitchen so would probably be unable to do this anyway!
by Vee
No, I have never tried.
I've never tried! But none of my "four ingredients" meals have ever used only 4 ingredients lol. I find sticking to a recipe and method quite hard!
When you have people prepping every thing for you, you can but at home almost impossible. There are some skills that a chef has that a home cook does not, so it will be easier for him to do it.
by Gia
It's something one can learn, and not impossible....really :)
by jonaja
I can cook meals in 15 minutes, but a lot of Jamie's 15 minute meals involve using food processors and equipment I don't have to make it go quicker, so these can take me a little longer to prepare by hand.
I'm so pleased to see someone who can...LOL. winning! :)
by jonaja
Have ALWAYS loved cooking, but I take longer than 15 minutes'! To me, it's relaxation.
Enjoy watching both Jamie & Rick Stein only.
I enjoy 'perusing' cook books, even just for 'ideas'.
Love watching the DVD's of these two, & have just bought Jamie's 'Comfort Food' book & DVD.
No, I am too neat and precise and I have no where near the experience nor equipment at hand that he does. Also like just about every cooking show and TV Chef, they waste so much(quick prep), and make so much mess while being so quick.

I do record many and if I double the time, I usually get a good result.

Nearly everything is laid out and they have minions cleaning and making space in the adverts. Besides, it is not live TV, it is a recording with editing being the true star here.

Sort of makes it horrible for the person/s(my kids) washing up after a race through the kitchen spilling and splashing.

Sounds like a song I once heard.......
A 15 minute recipe would take me about 45 mins to make!
by Miro
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