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Have you ever conducted a funeral service for any of your pets that are now deceased?

by dwatk (follow)
Pet (10)      Funeral (6)      Ceremony (6)      Bury (1)     
Source: http://morguefile.com/.

Have you ever conducted a funeral service for any of your pets that are now deceased?

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yes, we 'do' funerals. Our dear l7 yo dog had his ashes scattered into the sea on his favourite beach. Still do a yearly hello visit to him.
Loved the episode of Outnumbered where the parents put out a mousetrap - one dead mouse, with Karen calling her mum a 'mouse murderer' and then giving the mouse a burial in the backyard.
With tears in my eyes, I say, "What a lovely lady you are".
by Rice
Yes. Our little kitten died tragically and it was a terrible funeral! very very Sad! :(
Yes a couple of times....it's very sad.
They are important to have, same as humans...and more so if young children
are in the home.
No I haven't.
When I was very little I can remember me and my younger brother burying various insects in little boxes. But only to dig them up the next day and release those that were still alive. Apart from these childish acts, I've only had to bury one of my young neighbor's puppies that died in my backyard. It didn't seem to be very sad for them as they had several more dogs which were having litters all the time.
The stinkers! Fancy you having to do that. You poor thing.
by Rice
by Vee
Yes. I have always done this. Friends bury friends don't they? I couldn't just throw away devoted pets . . . I have buried everything from budgies to horses. Some were so sad I thought my heart would break. The last cat I had has two little white marble doves over him.
by Rice
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