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Have you ever completed an online course?

by Vee (follow)
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I am currently completing a short online course. I’m learning a lot in the privacy of my own home, and can do it at whatever time and for however long it suits me.

Have you ever completed an online course? If so, did you enjoy it?

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I recently bought an online Excel course -however, I only looked at it once and it has probably expired by now.
I probably bought it as I always wanted to learn more about Excel and it was very cheap, but now that I have this, I seem to have lost interest and don't quite know why I wanted to learn more about it, as I can do the basics.

Other than that, I have not done other online courses.
by Finy
Yes - I've been doing a couple for my course, and absolutely loving it!

There's no pressure of waking up at 6 in the bloody morning, and even though assessments have a deadline, it feels more relaxed in the online setting to get through the content over the course of a week.

If anything, I prefer the educational system online because you end up learning a lot more in your spare time, rather than in a classroom setting.
Yes, I was studying French online last year. I hope to get back into it sooner or later. It doesn't work as well for languages as a class where you could see your teacher in person would but it's better than nothing and I did love the convenience. It meant I could just do a bit of study once the kids were in bed or whenever I had time.
I much more prefer to be in a classroom, & the interaction with others.

Over the last few years I have done a lot of study, and looked forward to
getting out of the home.(It was not every day.)
So I like both ideas, because they suit what will work best for people,
and their lives.
No. I have completed several by correspondence, but these were not online. I like the idea of online courses though, especially if they can be self-paced as this would make them easier to get through on a busy schedule.
I have completed a number of online courses at tertiary level at a few different universities. I have also studied many subjects on campus aswell. There are definite advantages and disadvantages to online vs on campus study.

Advantages of Online:
You can study when it suits you. If you prefer to sleep late and study in the middle of the night, then you can do it.
You don't have to get dressed or even shower to go to uni (pew!).
It is much easier to make friends online as there are forums where you can meet others studying the same subjects. You can even find people in your local area to meet up in person. As everyone is alone at home there are always plenty of people keen to get to know one another.
Depending on the University, online content is often presented in some really interesting formats which make learning fun.
You can watch podcasts of your lectures when you are feeling alert (and you can pause them for cofee or loo breaks)

Disadbantages of Online Study
Despite the online presence it can at times feel very isolated and lonely studying on your own.
You need to be extremely self motivated to stay on track as there are always far more distractions and commitments like housework and kids competing for your time at home.
You often miss out on that in class experience of discussions and the ability to ask questions on the spot. Clarificaition of questions is usually more effective in person where you can have a real conversation.
The courses are often very time consuming as there is way more reading to do. You need to keep on top of forum discussions (which get seriously out of control at times), as well as all the online content which is mostly in written form. You must do all this and learn to navigate your way around the complicated learning sites. Then you still have to do the readings in text books.
You have to spend way too much time in front of the computer instead of getting out in the fresh air.
When you need a book from the library you have to search for it online then wait for it to be posted to you.

On campus you get to participate in all of the social activities on offer. The libraries are great resources for study and you can find stuff on the shelves in person. You tend to stay more easily focused because you are physically attending Uni so it becomes your only prioritiy. The motivation of an angry lecturer if you turn up without your assigned homework is very motivating.

However its also a lot more difficult to make friends on a huge campus where everyone seems to already know someone, especially when you are a minority such as a mature aged student. You have to turn up to lectures at the allocated times, even if this doesn't suit or you have other committments like work. You don't always get to choose your class timetable.

All in all there are benefits and downsides to studying either online or on campus. Some people are suited better to one or the other.

If you are considering online study make a list of the issues that are most important to you and think about how you learn best. This will help you make a more informed decision.

Thanks for your thoughtful input Jo.
by Vee
Your welcome Vee, I'm always happy to offer the benefit of my experience when it cmes to study as I know its always a minefield for the unwary. :)
Probably completed a couple of hundred at work. Some of which had to be renewed every six months.
Have got a two-ring binder full of Certificates!
Wow, donjo, that's pretty impressive.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, it drove me nuts!
Just got a few done, then next I knew the six months' had gone by, & I was doing them again!
They were ranging from 'How to Set-up your Work Station' to 'Corporate International Rules', pertinent to my work. Wow! I've now a sore brain just thinking about them! Cheers!
by donjo
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