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Have you ever completed a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment?

by Vee (follow)
Behaviour (31)      Personality (24)      Knowledge (13)      Self Development (8)      Self Image (5)      Attitude (4)      Disposition (1)     

Personality test
Image sourced from Wikimedia Commons

I’ve completed a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test multiple times. My results are mostly consistent:

Introversion (I)
Sensing (S)
Thinking (T)/Feeling(F)
Judging (J)

Have you ever completed a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test? If so, what were your results and do you think they are an accurate reflection of your personality?

#Self Development
#Self Image
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Top Answers
I have done it before, but I can't remember what my result was. I know the first one is introversion, but not sure on the others.
I did one when I was nineteen, but like Bryony, I no longer remember the results.
Yes I did one.
Yes it was correct.
I have never heard of it before.
I've never heard of this test but think it would be interesting to see the results.
This is a fascinating test. I've completed it twice, with a 15 year break between, and the results were exactly the same. Very interesting and well worth doing.
I have not heard of this before, but sounds like it could be interesting, though then again, I don't usually believe in things like this!
by Finy
Positive I've done one of these tests in my career!
Did a test when first joined a new Company & the only result I can remember said I was 'analytical' with a mind like a 'steel trap! The only reason I remembered was I thought the last two words were hilarious, & I couldn't stop laughing!

Have done many 'tests' in my life, especially in Army & preliminary to Officer Training!

No. I haven't. I probably did one for fun out of a magazine as a teenager though. At that age of insecurity, kids are all for the reassurance of a semi- scientific test to validate who they are, and are they the person they thought they were. I suppose at that young age they think they can still change to become who they see themselves as being. It doesn't work like that in reality.
Never... off to google
Come back and report.
by Vee
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