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Have you ever broken a window?

by Vee (follow)
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Have you ever broken a window?

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I haven't, but my son did and it was a freak accident.

He thought that the huge glass screen door was open on his brother's unit veranda.
He hit the glass with his knee and shoulder.
It cracked the glass and cost $900 to replace.

My son was fine, he is built like a brick wall, anyway.! :)
LOL! Yes, but it could've been worse.

by Vee
Yes he could have broken the other side, as well then it would have been $1,800 :(
by jonaja
I have a faint recollection but can't quite say how it happened
I never have but my ex did . . . I walked into the room and thought he had put the hose on the glass door because it looked like jonaj's example . . . . nope, he was mowing and a rock flew up. LOL
by Rice
Never.. #touchwood
No I haven't. We did have a crack in the kitchen window, so we had to replace that. Not sure how it happened, but we blamed the cat, as he sits on that window sill sometimes, in the afternoon sun.
LOL. Sure, blame the cat, the one that can't speak out. Haha. My husband recently broke the kitchen window. Not by sitting on the window sill, but it was him all the same. :-P
by Vee
No, I haven't But my husband did a few days ago. He said he tapped the window with his phone. He charges his phone on the windowsill...yes, tapped.
by Vee
Oh dear!
by jonaja
If his "tapping" is anything like Himself's tapping . . . . you're lucky you didn't lose a wall. Bahahahaha. Some days I swear he is going to jab his finger clear through his dumb smartphone . . . . it must be dumb because he is always saying. "Effing stupid phone!!". Tra la la.
by Rice
Rice, they must know each other. My husband is the same damn way! LOL.
by Vee
No I haven't, but 1 of my cousins walked through a
floor to ceiling glass door, thinking it was open, way back in the '60's, in her parents house. She has a large scar down the middle of her left leg.
by Miro
Wow! I've seen people walk into those, but they've never broken.
by Vee
No. I've never recalled breaking a window.
we were driving along and someone passing threw a bottle out the window.
It was a 100km zone so our windscreen smashed completely, shards of glass went everywhere including over my then 9 month old baby in the backseat. Luckily windscreens are safety glass and crumble, but I have learnt my lesson, do not open your mouth and scream if a window breaks on you. Its not tasty
Crap, woman! I'm sorry to hear that. Please, tell me the idiot who threw it didn't get away scot-free.
by Vee
yup they got away scot-free. They didn't even stop to see if we were ok
I don't even know what to say. Where the heck has common decency gone?
by Vee
I can't remember
by Finy
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