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Have you ever bought something from an infomercial?

by meggf (follow)
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Bedazzler - Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Would you or have you ever bought something off a TV infomercial? Why or why not?

Are there any that you remember because they were so ridiculous? or that you wish you'd bought?

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I never have because they usually exaggerate everything, which leads me to question how good they actually are.
Never! I just doing trust the way they sell them, as if they're the best thing ever. I remember them selling a MOP as if it was going to change my life and I thought "no, I'd just feel like I had to mop more stuff"

I'll always giggle about the bedazzler as long as I live. I'm hard pressed to imagine anyone buying one of those things!!?!?!
You're missing out meggf, bedazzlers are the bomb. Jokes! What is it, for twelve year old girls?
by Vee
I bought some face cleaning gel.
It was so wonderful.
OMG wish I had more!....
That is all I would ever buy.
No. I can't stand infomercials so I don't encourage them.
by Vee
I haven't although they are very tempting.
I've never done this as I suspect there may be some catch that I didn't bank on. Maybe some flaw that I wouldn't have picked up from the infomercial. I rather to take the time to research products before I purchase them.
Back when I was in high school I ordered a subscription to TIME magazine from an infomercial type advert! (well...I got my mum to order it for me!). That's the only thing ever. Thankfully I don't watch much commercial TV these days so I'm not exposed to all the infomercial crap!
No and not tempted. AND why is there so many channels showing these infomercials? Repeats and on multiple channels! Rubbish! The people sound so sincere NOT! They offer sooo much stuff we just can'y live without! If is was so good why aren't they being sold out in the real world? I know people that have and do buy, then they are bugged for other things.They have your credit cards details etc. Pay postage on top and if you have to return the goods then its postage again. Medicine man syndrome, a rip off...
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