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Have you ever bought a piece of fruit, to find it is rotten inside, and would you take it back?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever bought fruit that, when opened, is rotten inside?

Would you bother taking it back?

#Rotten fruit
#Inside rot
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I once bought a coconut from a stall at the market and found it was mouldy inside. I took it back the next day and the stall owner gave me another one and thanked me. He said he would rather people brought back any item they weren't happy with instead of avoiding his business in the future. I was happy with this outcome and continued to buy from his stall.

Yes I have and I got really annoyed! The last time it happened was from a shop that is very expensive, and I have not gone back there as I felt their fruit was a rip off. I find it used to happen if I buy just anywhere or even from the side of the road sometimes (at a stall), however I generally will not go to the bother of taking it back.

I did once and it was replaced however I would not drive miles to take one piece of fruit back -if I happened to be passing, I would probably!
by Finy
It is very frustrating but I doubt I would bother to go back: one trip is enough for me and then I need a Bex and a good lie down. ^_^
by Rice
Forgot to mention that if it not too bad I will put it out for the possums.
by Rice
I have, but normally I wouldn't bother returning it because I don't have time for an extra trip to the shops.
It has happened a long time ago, and yes I would take it back. I want the shopkeepers to see the type of food they are selling. I have always received a refund, no questions asked.
I certainly have. I've never taken it back. To me its going to cost me more overtime. It wouldn't be worth it. So depending on the state of the fruit I would either salvage the edible portions or throw the whole thing away. Then try to be more careful with future purchases.
Avocado's are the one that give me the most grief!
They seem fine on the outside, in fact slightly firm, to my surprise rotten on the inside.

Sometimes I have taken them back if more than one....otherwise I don't worrie...Not worth the petrol.
yes me too Jonaj! I now put them in the fridge after about a day and this seems to help.
by Finy
I have found this many times with pomegranates, but it takes more effort (and costs more if driving) to go back to the store and get refund that is worth it.
Yes, I bought a bag of mac apples one time only to discover some of them were rotten or bruised.
I didn't take them back though. Not worth the hassle or gas.
Yes, & most definitely take it back!
Usually the next day, as would be going there, anyway!

This really gives me the screamin' heebie-jeebies', as what is rotten was probably THE very item I was looking forward to cooking, or eating!
Yes recently I bought some pears . They looked lovely on the outside. I only bought a few. They tasted rotten so in the bin they went and never to return to that greengrocer again. I mean I don't keep a receipt for everything.
I guess the problem with this whole question is that you cannot see it on the outside so how would anyone know it was rotten on the inside!
by Finy
Finy your answer reminds me of someone I once married, lol.
by helya
I have had fruit and sometimes Vegies which have been totally inedible once cut open. Depending on the cost of the item/s and whether I am passing by the retailer again in a very short period of time,I have indeed returned some of these items. The shops are no wiser unless we tell them,so I do not feel I am being rude or nasty to let them know that their suppliers have not done the right thing by THEM, and thus THEIR customers in turn,are also left in a rather disappointing position! I never am unpleasant to staff when I do return these items, I just remain polite and share what I have found. Just about every outlet these days will refund AND replace,with no questions asked,as they do want to keep their customers. If it happens regularly at the same outlet,I simply tell them that unless they change their supplier, I shall not be coming back due to the problems I have repeatedly encountered. If we say nothing,how are they to know there is a problem. This can always be done with respect though. There is never reason to be rude .
not worth the car trip to take one piece of fruit back, although I took a cooked chicken back as it still had some of its insides in it . money was refunded
This is frustrating as the fruit cannot be consumed so very inconvenient. Unfortunately it is not usually worth the time it takes to return the item.
I rang the supermarket about some raw chicken that was not good and they said they didn't want it returned, but to bring in the docket next time. I suppose we could do that with fruit.I don't usually remember though.
It hasn't happened thus far, and if it did, I doubt I'd be bothered to take it back. I did, however, once take back a slice of prosciutto I bought. There was a new guy in the deli I usually buy it from and he gave be this terribly ragged piece that looked like an off cut. I wouldn't have served it to guests. So I took it back to the owner to let him know that way it wouldn't happen again. He didn't see my point. :-(
by Vee
Yes,many a times fruit is rotten inside but the fruitseller does not take it back.
Yes, I bought some garlic once & took it home, & the 2nd clove I used, was mouldy. I put it into a small jar to return to the shop, but I left it at home by mistake. I told the cashier about it, & she said, not be bring it back, but just to get a new 1. Heavens knows how long the foreign garlic is kept in cold storage for! I'd much rather buy Australian garlic, but it's hard to find it in the shops.
by Miro
I have bought fruit that has gone rotten, but never thought of taking it back,strawberries would be one example.
I guess the bottom line here is that everyone has experienced buying rotten food but rarely has the time to return it. I've been annoyed so many times when looking forward to having avocado only to find it's rotten inside but it's so difficult to find a good one until you cut one open.
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