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Have you ever been verbally attacked by a friend?

by Polly (follow)
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Have you ever been verbally attacked by a "friend?"

#Verbal Attack
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Yes I have - at a restaurant, and needless to say, this person is no longer a "friend"!
It has probably happened a few more times but this one stands out still 10 years later as it was so embarrassing.
by Finy
I'm hearing you, Finy :(((((((((((
by Rice
Yes. It was truly horrifying as she had her facts TOTALLY wrong. I was honestly terrified and everybody was so embarrassed. I have never, ever spoken to her again and that was over thirty years ago. I don't do confrontations. Never have, never will.
by Rice
That happened to me about a just sat down to dinner with "friends" and was verbally attacked (blindsided) by a woman about how my disability is crappie and I should have to work every day like her. She screamed at me that I don't even look disabled. I tried reasoning with her and explain what Addison Disease is. My fiancé is disabled due to heart failure, and was sitting right next to me. She said that heart failure is a real illness. I left the table and sat at the bar alone. The evening continued with her sending her 23 year old female minions after me calling me a quitter and a lose etc. My fiance finally took me to a motel and spent the rest of the weekend by ourselves.
by Polly
The automatic spell check on this phone application sucks.
by Polly
Wow, Polly, that is beyond awful. What a louse. I hope Karma is a b*tch when it hits her. Sadly, you probably cringe every time you think of it. My neighbour has Schizophrenia . . . wonder how your "friend" would deal with that disability . . . . she isn't carrying a sign and isn't painted red with flashing lights. She really needs some education. As for sending her minions after you . . . woah, baby, THAT needed cops calling. Yep, the more I see people, the more I like my dogs.
by Rice
Thanks Rice. I am still having flashbacks of this. I was so upset that I had to be hospitalized for five days. I have Medicare but have no idea how to pay the deductible. Haven't left my house since. Trying my best to cope on my own because I can't afford treatment. This incident really set off my PTSD. I don't feel safe anymore. I feel so victimized. I realize this woman has real issues, but I am not coping well. I will keep trying. The worst is that now she is spreading rumors about how I started a fight. I have never hit anyone. In fact one of her minions pushed me so hard that I fell down and had a huge bruise on my hip for two weeks

by Polly
Okay.... calm again. Cup of tea and a nap. I feel like a hundred bucks again.
by Polly
Well . . . I have now decided your exfriend is pure evil and needs a silver bullet. She cannot be allowed to continue. How about filing a restraining order? It may at least give you some peace of mind.
by Rice
I spoke to police who said I should file a report. I have also done research online to find out it would be a hate crime and carry a fine of up to $10,000 an rebate year in prison.
by Polly
I am not answering questions on my phone, it keeps plugging in word that are wrong. $10,000 fine and up to ten years in prison.
by Polly
Seems to me that all you have to do is let her do all the work to look like a complete loon and at some point the police will cart her off. Filing a complaint is a good start to her record. (I hear you about the phone . . I have not long had one of the new fangled things and I somehow got Praise Jesus whilst trying for Pretty Good. *embarrassing*)
by Rice
You are so funny, Rice. I just wanted to let you know that I had a great three hour conversation last night on the phone with a dear old friend about my "being attacked" situation. I woke up today feeling much better. I am so grateful for my friends and everyone on this website. You guys really are wonderful and supportive. Thanks! Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi. Your favorite "Yank." LOL
by Polly
I am so happy that you are feeling better! "They" are not worthy of your thoughts. Remember . . . . . Don't let the turkeys get you down.
by Rice
I'm not sure. I can't remember. I have had arguments with friends but I'm not sure you would call it a 'verbal attack'. I can't recall anything that got really nasty.
I have had strong disagreements but I would not call them verbal attacks. Probably the attacks have been behind my back so ignorance is my bliss.
Yes I have.
I do not allow people to walk all over me, but! I do allow people I know and love to have ''meltdowns''.
Truth be told, we are all very close to at some time in our lives to have a upset.

If it was ongoing each time, then I would help them to seek (some help)...but, I forgive real easy, when it is someone I care about.

Life is too short, and we have to just help each other. My friendships last years and years, I'm very faithful and love my friends a lot.I still have one friend I saw last week, and we have been 53 years great mates.We have had some real fights, but that's life : )
Yes, a few actually!

Caused by very bad manners' on their part, over various situations'.

One got 'uppity' because I told a female companion of his to stop using a mobile phone inside a premise, which was 'breaking a rule' of that place, & he was well aware of the 'conditions of entry', which had been explained to him, previously.
His loss, as he 'supposedly' enjoyed being there, & knows no other Member who can 'sign' him in!

Others' were just 'beyond the pale' in total lack of manners' towards me, which I won't tolerate, under ANY circumstances'!

Amazing how you can be acquainted with people, yet, something lets them down in a way, that's just 'mind blowingly' bad!

It all gets back to how their parents' raised them, I suppose.

Bad manners' will always out eventually, I think!

I'm a 'stickler' for 'doing the right thing', as taught to me by my Parents', Teachers', & 'life', in general.
I won't go 'off course', for anybody!

D a
Yes. I had my best friend (or so I mistakenly thought) tell me I was so ugly I ruined her daughter's 21st birthday photos - but she said thankfully they had taken so many photos she was able to delete all the ones that I was in. I have always had low self esteem, but this comment still affects me terribly some 2 or 3 years later. I have an extremely low opinion of my appearance (having been told all my life how ugly I am), no matter what other people have since said. And even though I can acknowledge that I shouldn't take any notice of it and that she is just a nasty person (others have said she is jealous), I find that I go back to that comment in my head regularly. I do not like to look at myself or have others look at me. And I do not allow anyone to take a photo of me, ever.
People can be so mean. What a horrible thing to say to you.
by Polly
People can be so mean. What a horrible thing to say to you.
by Polly
Oh! poppy, that's just so cruel!

NOBODY is ugly!
Everyone is truly beautiful in their own UNIQUE way!

It's what comes from WITHIN a person which defines them, NOT what's on the outside!

Please try, & think of happy times!

'Karma' will get her in a way she's not expecting!
by donjo
Poppy, you could look like the elephant man for all I care!! Those who treat you this way are not worth a pinch of $h!t and are the TRULY ugly ones. Imagine mirrors bouncing their crapola off you and smile to yourself from time to time - it will slay them! I would have smacked her into next week for you. I nearly wrote that I would get my dog to bite her but, you know, vets are expensive for witches' poisoning.
by Rice
Poppy I really feel you have to not see her again, even if you feel sorry for her.
She has done no good for you, and I just find it so nasty to say that kind of thing ....even in a joke!
wow......that's one friendship that has to be put-to-rest, and quickly...
by jonaja
The one that stands out most for me was my grandmother. I was in my teens and had been dating a girl for a few years, and my grandmother decided it was time we had a talk about my 'poor decision' and how I should 'never marry her' and 'damn-well better not get her pregnant'. The whole thing caused a lot of family problems, I actually became estranged from my entire family for quite a while. I can't remember if it was months or more than a year. The relationship did eventual end, but I spend four years of my life in that relationship. I still find the harshness of that conversation hurtful, and don't get me wrong, I've done and said things to family and friends that I know I regret, but that's the one story that stuck with me over the years.
No, but if it happened she/he would no longer be a "friend".
I read this some days ago but was still disturbed by my friend and neighbour. We have both given a lot of help to each other over the last year. Last Wednesday I had someone in to help me with the garden weeding and planting out new plants which I paid her for.( I'm still recovering from a spine operation) The . next morning I saw two guinea pigs belonging to my neighbour in my garden and eating my new plants. I immediately went round to my neighbour at around 7:20 a.m. She gets up before 7 to get her children to school. I went and got another neighbour as well to help catch the critters We waited but the neighbour friend didnt come. I went back but she told me she didnt have time that she had to get the giirls to school and she had an appointment. She said she couldnt do anything until after school. I was most upset and said so. I tried to catch them but ended up gashing my leg. I noticed the girls home from school, gave her 1/2 hour and went round. I asked for my spare keys back and for her to come and catch the guinea pigs. She screamed at me to get off her property and shouted her girls come first! I didnt get my keys back. Today I took around some sunflowers to try to bridge the gap between us. I asked for my keys. She said she wold look for them. She is moving away on friday. I spoke with the Police and they were willing to come around Thursday but I didnt want to make a fuss just to report I was having problem with the neighbour and her animals. Luckily the animals went home over night.
Maybe your neighbor was just having a bad day. Maybe she learned some bad news at her appointment. Obviously, you didn't do anything to deserve that outburst.
by Polly
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