Yes, a few actually!
Caused by very bad manners' on their part, over various situations'.
One got 'uppity' because I told a female companion of his to stop using a mobile phone inside a premise, which was 'breaking a rule' of that place, & he was well aware of the 'conditions of entry', which had been explained to him, previously.
His loss, as he 'supposedly' enjoyed being there, & knows no other Member who can 'sign' him in!
Others' were just 'beyond the pale' in total lack of manners' towards me, which I won't tolerate, under ANY circumstances'!
Amazing how you can be acquainted with people, yet, something lets them down in a way, that's just 'mind blowingly' bad!
It all gets back to how their parents' raised them, I suppose.
Bad manners' will always out eventually, I think!
I'm a 'stickler' for 'doing the right thing', as taught to me by my Parents', Teachers', & 'life', in general.
I won't go 'off course', for anybody!
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