Have you ever been under the Sydney Harbour Bridge in a boat or ship?
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All the cruises I have been on have left from Sydney, and each time we have gone under the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
So, yes, I have been under it mostly in the middle of the night, and it is fascinating -many people dont stay up and watch but I find it so interesting each time despite having already seen it before.
The lights and the feeling of being under the bridge instead of on it, is great.
1963, on a large ship, that docked at the immigration terminal..
My poor Mother was the last to get off the ship, she was so scared of this new adventure!..lol
We came out from England in Oct 59,and as I was just a baby I really do not recall it at all!!!
Yes I have been under the bridge on a cruise
No, I have never been under the bridge, nor over it to the best of my recollection. Perhaps one day we will holiday in Sydney and tick this off the bucket list.
One thing is for sure though, I would never do the climb. Very scary!
I have lost count of how many times I have driven under the harbour bridge in my boat
No I haven't...have flown over it many times as a flight attendant but never gone under it!
Once - I think, a very long time ago.
Oh yes lots of time every few months i go on a ferry ride , and last week took my cousins on a ferry ride from Darling Harbour to the Quay and last friday night took them for walk on The Sydney Harbour
When as a teenager going to Luna Park.
It was fascinating going UNDER the 'Coathanger'!
Yes, under the bridge on a lot of ferries, & also under, on 3/4 cruise ships, which have left the port at 6pm, during daylight saving time, but of cause not the ones that sail from Circular Quay!
I was also on the middle of the Sydney Harbour Bridge on the 25th January 1988, & looking down onto the tall ships. An amazing sight, as they
sailed under the bridge. I could NEVER make my self climb it though. Of cause i’ve been over the bridge by, bus, car & train. I’ve also walked over the bridge, right down the middle of it, & also in the tunnel, under the harbour. It does help of cause if you live in Sydney, like I do.
Yes, twice under the bridge on both cruise ships, a highlight each time! And done the bridge climb - it's fantastic, would do it again at dusk
Yes. I went under it when we went on a cruise. It was a beautiful sight. People were waving to us as we passed by !!!
Yes, many times. Love our bridge, love Sydney harbour.
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