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Have you ever been told you couldn't draw?

by Amelia (follow)
Amelia is an art enthusiast and writer
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pencil, broken pencil, pencil snap, drawing fail, fail, whoops, mistake
Photo by Connortk via Wikimedia Commons

Children are asked to colour in and draw as part of their education, whether at prep school or primary school.

Even as adults there are times where your drawing capabilities might be required.

But has anyone ever told you that you couldn't draw? Or do you tell yourself that you can't draw merely because your ability does not resemble that of Picasso or Dali?

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No one has ever told me I can't draw, but judging by my stick figure drawings, I know I am not talented in that department.
Yes...I find drawing easy. But I am no Picasso, and now end up drawing only for my kids.
No I have not had this problem that much, except with a couple of clients. In meetings in my work at the mainstream press, I am expected to draw on a whim. There are some days where my drawings are divine, and other days my drawings suck. It is the time pressure. It is hard to draw a prototype in two minutes, yet in my work this is expected. Drawing is critical, and some client still tell me I suck - yet I am still a creative consultant - go figure!
Yes...I find drawing easy. But I am no Picasso, and now end up drawing only for my kids.
Have you ever seen a Picasso!!! LOL

Art is subjective, and really no one should ever tell someone they ''can not draw''.
I use to visit a lady who was profoundly disabled, she was unable to walk, and use her hands, and even really talk.
She told me to look at her drawings, and she was able time and time again to only draw heads of people.They were a circle and had the most adorable funny little eyes.Big mouth, and the face was always smiling.
How she managed to only draw the one thing...yet! each face seemed to have it's own character.
I am self taught in painting and drawing, and I sell them from time to time.

If a person wants to draw, I say ''leave them alone'' they may well be the new Picasso.
P.S..... Buy the way that pic I have posted of the 'dog'?
Is a Real Picasso! (bet you could draw that real easy) LOL!
I wonder how many millions it is worth? hummm
by jonaja
I have seen how Picasso draws and I understand it is not to everyone's taste, however he is revered by the art world while a child's similar experiment may not.
by Amelia
Yes I know only too well about him....I have a extensive knowledge of Art, I I just can not get enough...my comment was-tongue-in-check.... :)
by jonaja
I largely ignore people who tell me I can't do something, so if anyone did tell me that growing up I didn't listen. I worked in art studios for a number of years and can say that the skill of a professional artist comes with years of training and perfection of technique. Watching my old boss create beautiful paintings that took her months of painstaking work was incredible and a great lesson to me that great work can be achieved with dedication.

No, haven't been told but should be (and am ok with that)
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