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Have you ever been to Taronga Park Zoo?

by Finy (follow)
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taronga park
Photo: Michelle Meiklejohn -www.freedigitalphotos.com

They say Taronga Park Zoo is one of the nicest in the world.

Have you ever been there, and what did you think of it?

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I visited when I was a child and it still had some of those awful old fashioned concrete and steel bar cages, really making it seem like a prison for animals. I hope it has improved since then.
Yes,but it was when I was a toddler,over 50 years ago!! My memory is good,but not THAT good!!!
Not since 1968, so I hope the areas' for the animals' have improved since then!
I'm really hoping so too.
by Rice
I liked it very much.

I went years ago, and it has had a lot of work done on it since then.
Great views of the city too.

Well worth the trip, believe me!

Yes, I've been several times and enjoyed it very much. I do wonder why they can't make it a little more accessible for locals though, like in Melbourne where children are free on Sundays at the zoo. It is very much geared towards the tourist market, which with 5 million locals in Sydney I just don't understand.
I have been there once while on a visit to Sydney. I love the landscape and the views of the Sydney harbour. Love the animals too.
Yes,I was just a tiny toddler in a stroller.The only reason I know is that there are photos which were taken!!
Whoooo. About 35 years ago. I bet it's awesome by now.
by Rice
Yes when my son was very young, he was photographed as part of a Commemorative day. We were promised a copy of the photo taken at the time - never ever got the photo.
my son was most disappointed.
Farle/y, That's very unfair to make a promise that can't be kept! Were you not able to follow it up, to find out what happened to the photo you should have had sent to you?
by Miro
I have been to the T. zoo a few times, but found it rather boring. I think San Diego has a much better zoo, & even Melbourne has a better zoo.When we've been there, it had sections closed off due to repair work or something, which was rather annoying, after you've tramped all that way, down the paths looking for some animal in particular, only to find...that sign!!! The bird show at 1pm (?) is very good, but don't bother going to the 2nd 1, as they only bring 1/2 the birds out, the 2nd time.
by Miro
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