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Have you ever been to London and if not, would you like to go?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever been to London?

Would you like to go if you have not been?

What did you think of it (if you have been!)?

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I really enjoy being in London!
So much to see, & do.

Flew LAX-LHR one time, as husband had to work there for a week, so I went on daily Tours hither, & thither. Saw many sites, relishing each one, soaking up the History, & adoring the Countryside.

Having been to London Town many times, I know my way around it, especially on the Tube, better than I know how to get around Melbourne!

Would go back in a jiffy! Just love it!
Yes I have been to London several times in the days when I enjoyed travel and went to Europe every year.

I really liked London and all that it has to offer, and that was about 10 years ago.

My daughter used to live in London and it was probably after her death there that I stopped going.

Not sure that I would like it now though but 10 years ago it was a fun city, though expensive to eat and hotels were small and very expensive.
by Finy
First went as a child . . down from OOOOP North. I was not impressed. I thought it was grey and ugly. Looking back, it was December . . !! Revisits as an adult made me see the beauty and history of London. Just don't stand in Victoria Station in rush hour! Holy moly, you could get mowed down.
by Rice
LOL Rice! isnt that the same in any city nowadays? I found it a fascinating city perhaps due to the history
by Finy
Oh Finy, of course you're right! The last time I was in Brisbane I was nearly mowed down!! In fact, on one occasion I helped a poor little Chinese girl who was brutally knocked to the ground by a pig in mens' clothing. Boy, was I angry!!!
by Rice
I've never been to London but I would certainly love to go there one day.
No, I haven't been. Yes, I would love to go one day.
by Vee
I have been to London, but not to see the Queen.

I arrived one night at right on Midnight!

I was due to set sail for Australia that day, for good.

Didn't see much, had to sleep in the car...but it was fun...One day I may go back.
I have never been to London but I would love to go. There's so much I would love to see. My dads family live in England but nowhere near London. It is an old city with so much history and beautiful architecture. These things are what is important to me when I travel. I love to learn about history but I also like to have fun at all the well known tourist spots. Maybe one day we will be able to go.
Yes. It's an interesting place and I'd like to spend more time there (I was only there for about a week). I reckon I could kill an entire week just in the British Museum.
Yes many times. I am Scottish and one of my brothers lived in Camden. When my husband and I lived in Norfolk (about 90 miles from London) used to pop down to London many times for the weekend. My brother, knowing London like the back of his hand, used to act as tour guide and would take us round the places visitors never usually go, as well as the usual tourist joints.
I have been as a very young child so my memories are quite vague.I do recall it was snowing and raining as it was winter !!! I have not been as an adult,though I would really love to,just to see the fabulous history and the museums!!
I've been to London with my family. I can now say that I've travelled on a red double decker bus, travelled all over on the tube system (and on foot), rode on the London Eye, shopped (Primark to Harrods) and surprise, surprise....it never rained once! The month was September...had fun!
I haven't been to the UK, haven't been to London. I would be interested in seeing this city as I have seen it in movies, read about it in books and heard about it from friends.
Yes, I've been to London. Arrived on the hottest day they had ever had at 40°C. Wasn't expecting that after flying via Germany for 22 hours and so tired. Was supposed to drive to our next overnight stop but asked husband to ask hire car desk if they could find the family a hotel near the airport so we could rest up and head out fresh the next day. Traffic was amazing particularly the roundabout with 8 exits. Countryside was much nicer I thought than London itself as we headed to Scotland via Windsor Castle and other popular tourist venues. Don't particularly want to go back as I preferred Scotland and its climate.
I have not been to London, but would love to go someday!
Yes have been to London. Went on the London Eye at night, however, unfortunately it was a very foggy night and really couldn't see much. Very unfortunate. Stood outside Harrods very briefly - didn't have time to go inside though. Got taken on a night tour of London, by a lady I met in Rarotonga many years beforehand and her partner. They also took us to a lovely place for dinner. Also caught a train from Kings Cross Station to Aberdeen in Scotland. Also got one of those black cabs from airport to our accomodation and also sat on the top deck of one of the open air double deck buses. It was a beautiful day and I fondly remember the warm sunshine on my back. My stay in London was very brief but very interesting.

Sadly no, I haven't been to London - its on the "to do" list / bucket list though! I've had so many friends going or been and I only hear good things but the flying involved to get there is very very long and a bit expensive so I'm saving up! I want to do all the tourist things when I get there and go during their summer since winter apparently is not that great.
Never left my country before but if I could I would love to go to not necessarily London but some place in the U.K.
I have had a brief visit to London. There were certainly interesting things to see but I didn't enjoy the weather or the prices. Even a simple meal was quite expensive.
I was in the UK when I was 3 years old, then I spent a month there when I was 21. I was also there in '76 & '88. It was OK. I wouldn't bother going back there now, as I'd rather return to Paris France & or NYC!
by Miro
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